Thursday, October 31, 2019
David Foster Wallace is on YouTube giving the commencement address at Essay
David Foster Wallace is on YouTube giving the commencement address at Kenyon College, a speech that when published, is called T - Essay Example As a function of seeking to understand this particular speech and a more effective manner, the following analysis will take a nuanced approach, incorporating criticism, review, and analysis of Wallace is pronouncements in the hopes that the reader will gain a more informed understanding with respect to the approach that he champions and the relevance of the information that he presents. Wallace starts by discussing the experience of life; exhorting the listener to â€Å"construct meaning and create relevance†from the otherwise mundane and seemingly pointless activities that all human beings, regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, or ethnic origin, must engage as a function of living. From there, the author delves into the issue of what a liberal arts education actually means; denoting that the education itself means nothing. Rather, the ultimate meaning that is derived from a liberal arts education is solely contingent upon what the individual has the potential to do with it. However, the author strongly encourages the listener to avoid a type of arrogance; maintaining critical awareness in its stead. Whereas it is true, as a Wallace states, that reality is ultimately designed with the individual experience as the only measurement through which understanding can be accomplished, seeking to define the world through such a selfish viewpoint necessarily decreases the degree of empathy and understanding that an individual might otherwise exhibit (Boswell 368). As a function of this, Wallace encourages the individual with regards to what they should pay attention to; defining the debate within oneself and utilizing the liberal arts education as a means of affecting this. As such, not becoming detached, not refusing reality because it is painful, sad, monotonous, or mundane, and continually exercising a right and will towards thinking come to be the prime mechanisms through which Wallace point of view can most reasonably be affected (Veggian 99). In effect, what Wallace is promoting is an understanding of the fact that thinking is a choice and should not be an automatic setting; albeit a choice that a liberal arts education necessarily encourages. Finally, hammering this point home further, Wallace discusses the necessity of not being lulled into a complacent routine. Rather, seeking out â€Å"thinking†and utilizing the experiences and knowledge that are gained from a liberal arts education is not only an opportunity but in fact something of a calling that each and every individual that experiences such an education and can draw upon it must necessarily engage. The irony of all of this has to do with the fact that even though each of these points is effectively expounded upon by Wallace, the author and speaker himself ultimately committed suicide in 2008 (Fest 127). Although the events surrounding his suicide remained largely misunderstood, it is the view of this particular author that Wallace was unable to ascribe to t he high standard of open-mindedness, compassion, and a sense of selflessness that he promoted to the audience within the commencement address. However, this inability upon Wallace part should not be understood as an effective dismissal of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Nothing but the Truth Essay Example for Free
Nothing but the Truth Essay In Avis book, Nothing But the Truth, there is a quote from a Shakespearian play. Brutus says, No Cassius; for the eye sees not itself/But by reflection, by some other things. I think that in deeper terms, this means that a person cannot see how he or she acts unless someone acts the same way or describes it to them. This quote can be applied to the story because Philip Malloy, the main character cannot see himself clearly. In that way, I am like Philip Malloy. I have no perception of whether my actions have positive or negatives effects and always assume that I am right. In the story, Philip blames his Language Arts teacher for not teaching well and being uptight. He claims that she is the only reason that he does not have a passing grade in that class and therefore the reason that he cannot be on the track team. My opinion is that Philip does not even consider the possibility that he may be part of the problem. I think that if only Philip would try a little harder in Miss Narwins Language Arts class, he would be able to pass. The problem is, Philip is extremely stubborn and insists on believing that his teacher likes picking on him. He refuses to even try to even think about Miss Narwins side of the story. Miss Narwin, in Principal Doanes opinion is one of the best teachers at their school. Miss Narwin, however, thinks that her methods are too old-fashioned and wants to attend a workshop on new approaches to teach literature to students. Her request is turned down and she isnt very happy about that. I think that Miss Narwins desire to take this workshop has a little bit to do with Philip. She knows that Philip has great potential to learn and wants to find a way to connect with him. In what Philip sees as Miss Narwin picking on him is actually an attempt to get him to do better. Sometimes I do not see things clearly either. I have a one track mind. I think that everything I do is right and it is in that way that I am like Philip. When I am wrong, I do not see why and I get frustrated and angry. When this happens I blame it on another person. I do not think about whether there might be another side to the problem or not. To me, there is just no question of me being the cause of the trouble. But if someone would explain to me nicely and clearly, I am usually able to see the logic. In summary, the quote that is on page forty-eight of Avis book, Nothing But the Truth fits with the story nicely. The quote basically says that people need someone to tell them that not everything they do is right and that they may be the ones that are the problem. I am like that too, but as long as someone is there to help me, I will be able to understand.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Fallacies involving credibility and context
Fallacies involving credibility and context Chapter 6 Fallacies Involving Credibility Fallacies of Context Fallacies Involving Credibility APPEAL TO AUTHORITY using testimonial evidence for a proposition when the conditions for credibility are not satisfied or the use of such evidence is inappropriate. This is usually called appeal to false authority, because not all appeals to authority are bad. Think of any celebrity endorsement commercial-Michael Jordan telling you to wear Hanes underwear. MJ is awful cool, but hes no Undergarment Scientist. From an advertising point of view this is good business, but not from the logical viewpoint. More sinister occurrences happen when someone who is an authority in a specific field urges a proposition concerning a related field. For example, you may have seen one of these commercials for the miracle weight loss pill-the endorser in the white lab coat with the stethoscope is not a doctor at all (in one case I saw someone in labeled in residency which is apparently all the experience you need to give a medical recommendation for super-fat-destroying pills). AD HOMINEM-using a negative trait of a speaker as evidence that their statement is false or their argument is weak. Abusive This is the easiest form of this fallacy to spot. It goes like this You shouldnt pick Susan to be on our basketball team because shes a computer geek. This fallacy aims at saying something distasteful about a persons character. It is appropriate to attack someones character if it is on a relevant topic. If the prosecutions star witness has a history of lying, that is very pertinent to the case. Exception to the rule it is OK to point out a negative personality trait as long as it is relevant. For instance, Ms. Smiggles declares that she saw Mr. Rwowrth murder Mr. Gritspit. But many of her friends and coworkers have declared that Ms. Smiggles is a notoriously liar. Circumstantial-This form of Ad Hominem aims to hurt a persons reputation through an association with something in that persons context. For instance You shouldnt vote for Hilary Clinton because her husbands brother is in jail. You can attack someone for being in a bad circumstance that they helped cause. For example if someone is running for political office and it comes out that they were once part of a business that went bankrupt and that candidate had made decisions that contributed to the companys demise, that would be important evidence to consider. Tu Quoque-This means you too; it happens when one corrupt politician says to another corrupt politician Youre corrupt and the other one responds that doesnt matter, you are too! That is to say, this is not a real excuse. If we found out that the Secretary of Defense had been using his government credit card to buy weekends in France, the Secretary of Defense will not help himself by saying, but everyones doing it! Poisoning the Well-A particularly wicked kind of attack. For example if someone were to say Of course you support universal health care, youre a liberal! The insinuation is that the accused is so dominated by their own ideology that they cant think straight (see terrorists). The accused person can now say nothing that is not suspicious. Every reason that accused person would produce to support their claims will fall under the category, Things Liberals Always Say. So the accused person is left defenseless. The other way round it might look like this Of course you support increased defense spending, youre a conservative! implying that being a conservative made it impossible to rationally consider defense spending. Surely there are people who are so completely wrapped in their own point of view that they cannot be rational, but this kind of attack is bad because it prevents any further debate. Fallacies of Context FALSE ALTERNATIVE (FALSE DELIMA) excluding relevant possibilities without justification. This fallacy usually presents two alternatives, one which the arguer wants you to pick and one which is undesirable. For example, You can either volunteer for military service now, or you can be drafted later. You dont want to wait to be drafted later as grunt, so you should volunteer now. The problem is that those arent the only two options available to us. This fallacy is often committed by the demagogues who say things like youre either with us or youre against us. The move tries to scare people into joining the speaker for fear of becoming their enemy. POST HOC-using the fact that one even preceded another as sufficient evidence for the conclusion that the first caused the second. This will be the foundation of a lot of the superstitions. I stepped under a ladder, and that made me have a bad day. Stepping under the ladder only came before the rest of my day, but stepping under the ladder did not cause the rest of my day to sour. More sophisticated versions of this fallacy seek to reinterpret history such as Since the American Civil War occurred before World War I, the Civil War is obviously the cause of World War I. Slipper Slope-This version of Post Hoc seeks to set up a chain of events to connect two unrelated propositions. Heres an example If you start listening to the Beatles, youll want to listen to other rock n roll, then youll listen to Nirvana, then youll start smoking and drinking, and that will lead marijuana, which will in turn lead to coke, crack, meth, and steroids, and the only way to keep up youre habit youll have to steal, and someone will shoot you. So, if you dont want to be shot to death, dont listen to the Beatles. HASTY GENERALIZATION-inferring a general proposition from an inadequate sample of particular cases. Taking to few samples and then generalizing to broadly is whats happening here. This fallacy is most often seen in arriving at stereotypes of people. For instance, The perpetrators of the 9/11 massacre were Islamic, therefore all Islamic people are terrorists. COMPOSITION-inferring that a whole has a property merely because its parts have that property For example, This sparkplug is part of the car. It is very light. So, the whole car must be light. This is a lot like Hasty Generalization. Heres a more sinister example, Ralph is Native-American and Ralph is an anarchist, so all Native-Americans must be anarchists. DIVISION-inferring that a part has a property merely because the whole has that property. For instance, This computer is heavy, so all of its parts must be heavy. More sinisterly, In the U.S., most people believe in God, so my buddy, Garth, must believe in God.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Observations on Property in Robinson Crusoe and Second Treatise Essay
Observations on Property in Robinson Crusoe and Second Treatise          People have been fighting over land and possessions since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. But what actually constitutes the ownership of property? In the eighteenth century John Locke and Daniel Defoe addressed this question. In his Second Treatise, Locke defends the rights of people to property and he explains the basis for obtaining and maintaining dominion over it. In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe suggests a definition of property that concurs in part with Locke's, which indicates that people can claim ownership of property when they have added their labor to some part of it. In addition, Locke stipulates, according to principles of the rational use of creation's bounty, that people can claim as their property only what they can use for their sustenance--without wastefulness. Locke argued also that property owners must leave enough and as good for others to own. But his theory allows for the breaking of limits to ownership through the possession of money, which itself does not spoil or go to waste. Perhaps this view of money is why Crusoe takes it from stranded ships and hoards it even though he has no way to use it for his sustenance. Crusoe apparently (though unknowingly) adheres to a number of other aspects of Lockean theory. At times, however, his sense of ownership seems to go a bit further than what Locke argued for. For example, Crusoe claims ownership over an entire island. Regarding his claim, there are at least two issues to consider. The first one is whether or not the island was already somebody else's property. The second is whether or not the entire island was his since he had not added his labor to the whole of it. Nor did he ne... Crusoe: Locke's Political Theory in Robinson Crusoe." English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature. 69 (1): 27-36. Curtis, Laura. The Versatile Defoe. London: George Prior, 1979. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. New York: Bantam, 1981. Donaghue, Frank. "Enevitable Politics: Rulership and Identity in Robinson Crusoe." Studies in the Novel 27 (1): 1-11. Kramer, Matthew H. John Locke and the Origins of Private Property. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997. Locke, John. Two Treatises of Government, the Works of John Locke. Vol.5. London: Thomas Teggs, 1823. Novak, Maximillian E. Realism, Myth, and History in Defoe's Fiction. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1983. Wood, Neal. The Politics of Locke's Philosphy. Berkeley: U of California P, 1983. Woodward, Ralph L. Robinson Crusoe's Island. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1969. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Acid by Titration with Sodium Hydroxide
Stephanie Thao Chemistry 1151 Laboratory Analysis of acid by titration with sodium hydroxide Ms. Hoang November 2012 Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate an example of how to determine the unknown molarity of hydrochloric acid by titration with a base (sodium hydroxide). Titration is a common laboratory method of quantitative chemical analysis that is used to determine the unknown concentration of an identified analyte (wekipedia). The first step will be measuring and combining water and acid (Hydrochloric acid).An indicator anthocyanin will be added to the solution to change the color to pink. Anthocyanin is a water-soluble vacuolar pigment that may appear red, purple, or blue depending on the pH (Wikipedia). This pink color acts as a pH meter and will show a change in color to represent a change in the pH. As the base (sodium hydroxide) is added, the solution will then change color (this is referred to as the â€Å"stoichiometric end point†). This c olor change represents the increase of pH, as well as showing that the moles of the acid in the solution are equal to the moles of the base (Survey of Chemistry lab manual).Using a dilution equation of M1xV1=M2xV2, the concentration of the hydrochloric acid can be calculated. M1=NaOH(molarity), V1=NaOH(volume), M2=HCl(molarity), V2=HCl(volume). Procedure: Instructions for laboratory were found on page 91 of Survey of Chemistry lab manual. All calculations were rounded off by 2 decimal places for accuracy. Preparation of the indicator required a combination of 50 grams of cabbage with 50ml of ethanol and 20mL of DI water to extract the anthocyanin indicator. This procedure was completed by the instructor and the anthocyanin indicator (â€Å"cabbage extract†) was provided.Then 10mL of hydrochloric acid and 20mL in of deionized water were measured in a graduated cylinder and combined into an Erlenmeyer flask. Pipette 5 to 10 drops of anthocyanin indicator was added to the soluti on in Erlenmeyer flask until the solution change to a pink color. Then the solution was titrated with sodium hydroxide until the solution changed color from pink to blue. The titration of the acid was repeated in three trials. All data and calculations were recorded. Data Tables: Solution Table Acid Bottle Code: #9| Trial # 1| Trial #2| Trial #3| Final buret reading acid (mL)| 9. 1| 9. 2| 10. 10| Volume of acid used (mL)| 9. | 9. 2| 10. 10| Final buret reading NaOH (mL)| 26. 30| 44. 70| 45. 50| Initial buret reading NaOH (mL)| 7. 91| 26. 30| 26. 50| Volume of NaOH (mL)| 18. 39| 18. 40| 19. 00| Concentration of NaOH (M)| 0. 1| 0. 1| 0. 1| Molarity of the acid (HCl)| 0. 202M| 0. 199M| 0. 182M| Ratio of volume of NaOH used (mL) to volume of acid used (mL)| | | | Calculations: As previously stated in introduction, formula M1xV1=M2xV2 found on page 93 of Survey of Chemistry laboratory manual was used to calculate the concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl). Trial 1 M1 = 0. 1 (NaOH) V1 = 18. 39mL (NaOH) M2=Unknown (HCl) V2=9. mL (HCl) 0. 1 x 18. 39 = M2 x 9. 1 1. 839/9. 1 = M2 M2 = 0. 202M Trial 2 M1 = 0. 1 (NaOH) V1 = 18. 40mL (NaOH) M2=Unknown (HCl) V2=9. 2mL (HCl) 0. 1 x 18. 40 = M2 x 9. 2 1. 839/9. 2 = M2 M2 = 0. 199M Trial 3 M1 = 0. 1 (NaOH) V1 = 19. 00mL (NaOH) M2=Unknown (HCl) V2=10. 10mL (HCl) 0. 1 x 18. 39=M2 x 10. 10 1. 839/10. 10 = M2 M2 = 0. 182M Average of acid 0. 202 + 0. 199 + 0. 182/3 = 0. 194M = M average Discussion and conclusion: This lab was successful in the proper color change needed to represent an end point when acid (hydrochloric acid) and indicator anthocyanin is titrated with a base (sodium hydroxide).As stated in the lab manual anthocyanin will go from a color of pink to blue, a pH of seven to eight, where the blue is an indication that acid has been neutralized by the base (Survey of Chemistry lab manual). During this experiment after adding enough sodium hydroxide to the indicator solution; the solution changed color to blue, an indica tion of the stoichiometric end point. All three trials showed the proper color change. This proved that the color change indicated that the pH level had changed in solution and the amount of base added is chemically equivalent to the acid in the flask.The formula M1xV1=M2xV2 was used to calculate the unknown concentration of hydrochloric acid. The results from the trials showed that the concentration of hydrochloric acid was 0. 2M. The concentration of the two acids should be relatively close in order to cancel each other out. It was complicated to compare the two concentrations since the given molarity of sodium hydroxide is in the one decimal place holder, whereas the calculated concentration for hydrochloric acid is in a two decimal place. From the lab it can be concluded that pH indicators can be an imprecise method to calculate the concentration of an unknown concentration.Critical Thinking Questions 1. Trial 1 M1 = 0. 1 (NaOH) V1 = 18. 39mL (NaOH) M2=Unknown (HCl) V2=9. 1mL (H Cl) 0. 1 x 18. 39 = M2 x 9. 1 1. 839/9. 1 = M2 M2 = 0. 202M Trial 2 M1 = 0. 1 (NaOH) V1 = 18. 40mL (NaOH) M2=Unknown (HCl) V2=9. 2mL (HCl) 0. 1 x 18. 40 = M2 x 9. 2 1. 839/9. 2 = M2 M2 = 0. 199M Trial 3 M1 = 0. 1 (NaOH) V1 = 19. 00mL (NaOH) M2=Unknown (HCl) V2=10. 10mL (HCl) 0. 1 x 18. 39=M2 x 9. 1 1. 839/10. 10 = M2 M2 = 0. 182M 2. 0. 202 + 0. 199 + 0. 182/3 = 0. 194 = M average 3. 0. 08233 – 0. 194 x 100/0. 08233 = 135. 63 percentage error 4.The main concept of this lab was to calculate the unknown molarity of an acid through titration. 5. Some of the experiment performed was to determine the concentration of an unknown concentration of an acid through titration by adding a second known concentration acid that will react with and cancel the first one. The endpoint of the titration will allows you to calculate the original concentration. 6. The dilution equation of M1xV1=M2xV2 was required to solve for the molarity of the hydrochloric acid where M1=NaOH(molarity), V1=NaOH(vo lume), M2=HCl(molarity), V2=HCl(volume). . The lab was successful in the properly changing color to represent a stoichiometric end point through titration. The dilution equation was then used to calculate the unknown molarity of one of the acid. The calculated results weren’t easily compared due to their decimal placing. References: Survey of Chemistry lab manual, â€Å"Chem 1151 Laboratory Experiments 3rd edition 2011-2012†http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Anthocyanin http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Titration http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Endpoint_%28chemistry%29
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Dickens & the French Revolutio essays
Dickens & the French Revolutio essays A Tale of Two Cities and the French Revolution Dickens, in A Tale of Two Cities, portrayed the French Revolution unfairly, and not entirely completely. I dont think that Dickens goal in writing A Tale of Two Cities was to portray the stability of England as a nation, but that was the main message I derived from the film. Also, some of the causes of the revolution seemed to fade into the background, leaving an incomplete picture of the French peoples suffering. Dickens does not do justice to the Revolution, as he portrays it as mostly meaningless violence and bitter revenge. In reality, the Revolution started a chain of events that would change France for the better. Though it may have taken some years for this to be fully realized, when Dickens wrote the novel, he should have known that the revolutions ends somehow justified the means. In my view, Dickens made it look as though no matter what the ends, the means could not be justified. The Terror was a very violent period, and it is true that a lot of the violence could have been completely avoided. I think that Dickens trivializes the struggle that the Third Estate went through before they ever resorted to violence. England, in comparison, is portrayed as the stable nation, a place where all are welcome, and none are judged. This was as true for England at that time as it was for France. I think that this fact unfairly biases the viewer, or reader, of A Tale of Two Cities. England had problems of its own at the time, but Dickens chose to gloss over that part of the story. In Dickens present, England was at a tender time. Some feared that revolution was coming, and Dickens only weapon against that was his fiction. In order to make the English realize that revolution was unnecessary, the French were made out to be savages and brutes. Their violence was made to look excessive and meaningless. By comparison, the British in A Tale were far mo ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Employment Law Racial Discrimination Essays
Employment Law Racial Discrimination Essays Employment Law Racial Discrimination Essay Employment Law Racial Discrimination Essay Employment Law: Workplace Racial Discrimination October 3, 2011 Employment Law: Workplace Racial Discrimination A number of federal and state laws prohibit racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is the practice of letting a persons race or skin color unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion, or other employment benefit. It most often affects minority individuals who feel they have been unfairly discriminated against in favor of a Caucasian (or white) individual, but there have been recent cases where whites have claimed that reverse discrimination has occurred- that is, the minority received unfairly favorable treatment at the expense of the white individual. Racial discrimination in the workplace has been a challenging issue for the United States since awareness rose in the 1960s. Blacks and other minority workers have faced intimidation, harassment and subtler forms of racism such as the difficulty of landing a job or promotion, even when they have the requisite qualifications. The United States has been actively combating racial discrimination in the workplace for 46 years, yet challenges remain. Many people do not really know much information on how racial discrimination at workplaces may take place, but many concerns can be answered with these following questions: 1. How long has racial discrimination at workplaces been going on for? 2. What are the laws on racial discrimination about? 3. What are some reasons for racial discrimination? 4. What is required to prove a racial discrimination case? This review on Employment Law focuses on these four questions. How long has racial discrimination at workplaces been going on for? Workplace racial discrimination is not something that has just recently started. The truth is, racial discrimination in the workplace has been taken place since the 1960s. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States abolished slavery and gave blacks the legal right to join the workforce. However, blacks had little protection from discrimination in employment, education, voting and other realms. Black workers felt they did not receive fair consideration for job openings, or for promotions after joining a business. Instances of outright segregation in the workplace were a means of isolating minorities from fellow workers or customers, as well as from co-workers who intimidated them. What are the laws on racial discrimination about? The main law and act dealing with racial discrimination at the workplace is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 created changes and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects individuals against employment discrimination based on race and color as well as national origin, sex, or religion. It is unlawful to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of his/her race or color in regards to hiring, termination, promotion, compensation, job training, or any other term, condition, or privilege of employment. Title VII also prohibits employment decisions based on stereotypes and assumptions about abilities, traits, or the performance of individuals of certain racial groups. Title VII prohibits both intentional discrimination and neutral job policies that disproportionately exclude minorities and that are not job related. Equal employment opportunity cannot be denied because of marriage to or association with an individual of a different race; membership in or association with ethnic based organizations or groups; or attendance or participation in schools or places of worship generally associated with certain minority groups. â€Å"Facts about Race/Color Discrimination†, middle sec. ) Basically, Title VII prohibits any decisions made by an employer if the decision is based on any one of these, because most of these traits are things that employees cannot control. For example, an article titled â€Å"Bias Suit against Del Taco Broadens†; talks about black employees who feel th eir employer are discriminating against blacks who are qualified for a job, instead the employer hires Latinos. Rochelle Manuel, a former cashier who is African American, witnessed a Latina supervisor at a Cypress Del Taco refuse to give job applications to blacks or take completed ones from them. The black applicants were told the restaurant was not hiring, while the Latina manager routinely gave applications and even jobs to Latinos†. (Ballon, 2002, 5th para. ) The suit is still going on, so there is no verdict at this time. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991, employees who won a case after suing their employer for racial discrimination received punitive monetary damages instead of just monetary damages. The difference between the two are that with punitive monetary damages employees get pain and emotional suffering, future lost benefits and wages, and more, while with monetary damages employees just get lost benefits and wages, attorney fees and any other legal costs for the suit filed. In reality, the employee gets more money. To oversee the federal civil rights legislation, a separate administrative body was created as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, was created to enforce laws that prevent discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, disability, or age when hiring, firing, or promoting employees. Four groups- race, color, sex, and creed- were given protected status under the law, which was to be upheld by the EEOC. The commission is an independent regulatory body that has the power to launch investigations, file lawsuits, and create programs to eliminate discrimination. The EEOC has been a controversial organization throughout its nearly 40-year history. Liberal politicians believe that the agency was long overdue and that it is absolutely imperative that the agency be proactive in identifying and fighting discrimination in the courts, while conservatives believe that the organization is a perfect example of big government that intrudes far too deeply into citizens lives. The agencys strong enforcement of affirmative action policies (which actively seek to promote minorities over equally qualified nonminorities in order to address past discrimination) has been its most controversial action, as many Americans oppose affirmative action. Even with political opposition, the EEOC continues to be effective in fighting racial discrimination. The EEOC establish E-RACE (Eradicating Racism and Colorism from Employment. E-RACE was initiated to improve EEOC’s efforts to make sure workplaces were free of color and race discrimination. What are some reasons for racial discrimination? There are really not any real reasons for racial discrimination. At least, there are not any that would make the situation considered as legit. Some employers may racial discriminate against their employees for the simple fact that do not really care for the employee race or what race the employee associate with, or may not want the employee to work for them because the employer do not like the color of the employee skin, which is illegal under Title VII. â€Å"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate against individuals because of their race†. (â€Å"Race Discrimination in the Workplace†, Browne, 2nd para. As stated earlier, racial discrimination is the practice of letting a persons race or skin color unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion, or other employment benefit. Although most racial discrimination cases are based on minority, this is not necessarily always the case. For example, there is reverse discrimination where whites will sue for racial discrimination instead of the minority. What is required to prove a racial discrimi nation case? A case on racial discrimination cannot just be established by a person saying that they have been mistreated on the job. Evidence is required. Under Title VII for a case to be established against an employer the employee must show that (1) he or she is in a protected class, (2) the employee applied for a position which he or she was qualified for, even though he or she was qualified for the position, the employee did not get the position, (3) the position is still open after the employee did not get hired , and finally (4) the employer still try to find someone to hire when the employer just rejected the qualified employee. In the employer defense of the case, the employer must show that the action he or she took against the employee was for a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason. For example, an article titled Seventh Circuit Holds No â€Å"Token†Exception in Title VII Discrimination Cases, talks about five Hispanic employees at Kraft Foods Global, Inc. feel their non-Hispanic supervisor, Peter Michalec was discriminating against them. The five employees said Michalec had them cleaning the parking lot and sewage during the winter, but non-Hispanic employees did not have to do those things. He also made racial slurs and comments to them. Two of the five employees signed up for an open position within Kraft and later found their names scratched off the sheet and they were not considered for the position. The five employees try to apply for positions within Kraft, but they cannot get the position and are not even considered for the position because of Michalec. One of those five employees ends up getting a sanitation position, but she was assigned to night shift. Night shift was normally given to a male. Therefore, the employee asked Michalec why she had to be on night shift and he said, â€Å"He placed another new-hire into the day shift position because he was white like me and because he had a family to take care of†. (Abrahams, McFetridge, 2011, 3rd para. The five employees sued Kraft for discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Only one won because she had evidence, which she settled out of court while three, tried the case again. After this evidence is shown the employee must demonstrate that the other employees receiving the higher wages perform substantially equal work on jobs requiring equal skill, effort fort, and responsibility. Finally, it m ust be shown the jobs that are being worked are performed under all of the same working conditions. Like this act, any other laws and acts require that there is evidence given to prove that discrimination is actually taken place. Any type of discrimination on the workplace should not be accepted. It is good to have all the laws and acts that prohibit discrimination. Any employer who in an hire up position such as a manager or supervisor should be setting examples to their employees, and shouldn’t engage in discrimination towards anyone that’s working for them. Working in a place with these kinds of things going on could affect the atmosphere at the workplace. Discrimination simply should not have to take place. References Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination. (n. d. ). US EEOC Home Page. Retrieved September 6, 2011, from eeoc. gov/laws/types/equalcompensation. cfm Hinckley, M. (n. d. ). History of Workplace Discrimination | eHow. com. eHow | How to Videos, Articles More Trusted Advice for the Curious Life | eHow. com. Retrieved September 6, 2011, from ehow. com/about_6637038_history-workplace-discrimination. html Laws Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace. (n. d. ). HRhero. com: Employment Law Resources for HR Managers. Retrieved September 6, 2011, from hrhero. com/topics/discrimination. html
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Iggys Bread of the World Essay Example
Iggys Bread of the World Essay Example Iggys Bread of the World Paper Iggys Bread of the World Paper April 12, 2010 Iggy’s Bread of the World c/o Igor and Ludmilla Ivanovic 130 Fawcett Street Cambridge, MA 02138-1112 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ivanovic: I am glad to have the opportunity to work with you both on concerns regarding your company. I have read the background information about that you sent me and in regards to your COO Mr. Matthew McRae, I would like to make a few observations and recommendations. First, I would like to start with a quote from Mrs. Ivanovic from the material you sent me, â€Å"It’s not just about a business where we need to make money. I want our employees to get pleasure out of what they do. I want them involved with the company. I want them to like what they do, to be excited to come in and have initiative and be proud of what they do. †I see this as the foundation of your company and I will reference this quote occasionally. Another reference would be when a venture capitalist wanted to invest in your company, expanded the company, and said, â€Å"If you grow it to a point and go public, sell it, then you will make a lot. †Both of you did not like that idea at all. Mrs. Ivanovic stated, â€Å"I would never accept selling out because it’s everything I don’t believe in and I wouldn’t want any part of it. I would never sell Iggy’s just for money. I make point of these two areas because I want to refresh your memory a little of where you have come from. When you approached Mr. McRae to come work at Iggy’s he had previously run a leasing company, which had gone public several months earlier. Therefore, McRae just did to the leasing company what you didn’t want done with Iggy’s by the venture capitalist. A leasing company is nothing like a bakery; Mr. McRae was used to dealing with companies that were in the business to make money. For Iggy’s it wasn’t all about the money as I stated above it was as Mrs. Ivanovic put it threefold: â€Å"one part is the bread and the quality of the product; two is our work†¦the employees†¦it’s a good bakery, but it is also has to be a healthy business; and three is the community, how we deal with outside customers, how we can make a difference by not treating them like a number. †From what I read Mr. McRae did not follow any of these three parts. For him it was about hiring relatives and friends, to give everyone a fancy title and about making money. I am not sure that anyone that Mr. McRae hired had the experience for the job they had been hired for and none had a background in a bakery or a food type of business. As stated in the material I received your employees are unhappy as well because â€Å"they perceive the management team as too isolated from the operations and culture that were at the heart of the company. †All indicators show that the management team and Mr. McRae did not buy into the unique culture that is Iggy’s and the vision of Mrs. Ivanovic. Finally, I will state that both parties are responsible for the disagreements that they are having. Mr. Ivanovic hired Mr. McRae on a feeling that he would be a good fit and did not set any ground rules when it came to his input into hiring people in certain leadership positions. That being said he did give Mr. McRae warning that he wanted to have input after hiring Diane Coleman for Vice President of Sales and Marketing. So it is understandable that Mr. Ivanovic would be upset when Mr. McRae hired another manager without consulting him. These are a few of my observations, but I feel they make my point when it comes to my recommendation. My recommendation would be to accept Mr. McRae’s letter of resignation and let him go. His proposal states the real reason for the way he has been acting. It is all about making money to him and not about the people or the culture of Iggy’s. His previous actions would only get worse if he was retained. Working through a mediator or consultant is no way to run a business. Let him have his opportunity to be one of the people making millions with a start-up, it just won’t be yours. Once that is accomplished you can move ahead with getting his replacement without the stress of having him around. Mr. Ivanovic’s brother Nikola can help run the business for a short time while you work on getting Mr. McRae’s replacement. Expect some if not all of Mr. McRae’s hires to leave when he leaves. Once the new person is hired he/she can decide whether to keep or let go of the people originally hired by Mr. McRae. Next, I would then sit down with your board of directors and work out exactly what type of manager is required to run the business. It should be someone from the same type of business you are running with management and operating skills. A lot has been learned by your interactions with Mr. McRae, so list the things that he did that you liked and the things you didn’t like. Come up with a vision and mission that everyone can agree to. List the important areas that you do not want to change and what areas that can be changed. Determine how much control of the business you are willing to share or give up entirely. Have specific goals in mind; think about long-term goals and strategies. Identify strengths and weakness, so you can hire someone that complements you. Evaluate personalities to get a sense of their managerial style, interview direct reports at three previous positions to get a feel for the person you are thinking of hiring will fit-in. When it is time to hire include the board of directors in the interviews and let them have a vote in the final hiring. This will help take the emotion out of the decision making process and allow everyone buy-in. Hopefully, I have addressed your concerns and that my recommendations are helpful. I will be happy to answer any questions or elaborate on any of my observations and recommendations. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Joe Smith
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Why did the Continental Congress select George Washington of Virginia Research Paper
Why did the Continental Congress select George Washington of Virginia to command its army Assess Washingtons service as commander of the Continental forces - Research Paper Example He was designated as the General and Commander in Chief of the United Colonies (Schwartz 20). It is apparent that several factors must have influenced the Continental congress decision in selecting George Washington to be the Commander of the continental forces. He was a Southerner and delegates believed he was the best man who could unite all the colonies (Martin 25). George Washington was also wealthy; hence the delegates of the Continental congress believed that Washington could not be influenced by corruption in his duties. George Washington was also courageous and fearless and a determined competent leader. He was going to head a military which was under civilian rule of the new congress. Washington understood fully all his functions as a military leaders since he choose strategies, operations and tactics which led to victory (Martin 32). In March 1776, he carried out his first tactical attack by occupying the Dorchester Heights after planting artillery which brought down Fort Ticonderoga. This move forced British to evacuate from Boston. Washington courage made him cross to Delaware on a cold and stormy night where he attacked Hessian garrison of Trenton, New Jersey and captured more than 900 prisoners. Tactically he avoided British forces traps from a large force which was deployed in Trenton. His success and withdrawal to Princeton compelled the British forces to eastern New Jersey. He continued attaining victories by mastering his battlefield strategies. He held the army together and avoided any discontentment amongst his Continental forces (Schwartz 28). He confronted General Howe’s forces in Philadelphia but was defeated but did not give up hence he decided to relocate to York. His tactical capabilities made him decide to send his well trained forces to the North in order to counter any threat of invasion from Canada by British force which was under General Burgoyne. He prevented the attempts of General Howe to rescue General
Friday, October 18, 2019
Customer Service-Techniques for Building Relationships Coursework
Customer Service-Techniques for Building Relationships - Coursework Example Marketing personnel are equipped to provide business entities with a type of customer support which creates customer relationships. This can be achieved through the use of social media podiums such as Facebook and Twitter. Marketers can also provide information, news, insight, advice, and even technical aid to customers (Peppers & Rogers, 2011). Those actions establish a long lasting customer relationship as it makes customers feel needed and valued by the business. The second technique that can be applied is through communicating effectively and openly. Communication is vital in any business relations. There is a huge range of means to keep in good contact with your customers. They vary from emails to social media, or even phone calls. One should make themselves available to clients so that they can always get back to them for any assistance and also reply politely and promptly to any enquiries. This ensures smooth development of the business and helps sort out any issues as soon as they occur (Burke, 2007). Lastly, a business should listen to its customers. The more the business listens to its customers and demonstrate that it truly values their opinions, the stronger there will be the relationship of the customers and the business. This will ensure that clients support the business and its mission. The business should consistently communicate that it values the customers feedback and appreciates their contribution (Peppers & Rogers, 2011). Because of the severe competition that exist in the markets, firms are constantly searching for new means to differentiate themselves from their competitors. A company’s most valuable asset is the customers, and that is the reason behind maintaining a good long lasting customer relation for the future growth of the
Thomas Jefferson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thomas Jefferson - Essay Example In 1698, much before the birth of Jefferson, Locke wrote in the second chapter of his famous Second Treatise on Government: â€Å"All men by nature are equal†¦in that equal right that every man hath to his natural freedom, without being subjected to the will or authority of any other man; †¦ being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Jefferson understood these natural rights to be the most significant for the preservation of human dignity and happiness. He said: â€Å"Perhaps it will be found that to obtain a just republic (and it is to secure our just rights that we resort to government at all) it must be so extensive as that local egoisms may never reach its greater part; that on every particular question, a majority may be found in its councils free from particular interests, and giving, therefore, an uniform prevalence to the principles of justice†. For him the ideal political system for America was one which respected and upheld these rights, the rights which were a man’s by birth, which could not be created by a government but could of course be violated by it. To this end, Jefferson’s contribution to the constitution were the first ten amendments which together constitute the â€Å"The Bill of Rights†. These were put in place to ensure that the American government could never supersede the natural, God-given rights of the American citizen. Jefferson’s vision for America saw a nation where the people were the first priority, not the institutions and organizations. He never wanted institutions to have the power to manipulate people, and saw governments, organized religions and commercial monopolies as threats to the people. He opposed the formation of banks, commercial monopolies and a standing military. To Jefferson, the agrestic ideal of a farming community seemed ideal, where the the people were not dependent on
Choose a topic for the Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Choose a topic for the Paper - Essay Example The causes for the great depression are many and complex but the basic reasons for the great depression can be listed as a stock market which crashed, economic trends which were negative and a lack of investments in large projects. Industries such as heavy machinery production, shipbuilding and mining operations were worst hit and they had to let go of thousands of workers who could not find jobs to replace the ones they had lost (Wheeler, 2007). Amongst the after effects of the Great Depression was the New Deal which was offered by Roosevelt to the Americans which gave fair wages for fair work. A forty hour work week was created to make sure that positions could be given to all those who wanted to work and massive deficit spending was undertaken by the government to give the economy a boost. In fact, the current transport network which crisscrosses across America is one of the projects which was started to get America out of its economically stagnant state (Higgs, 1992). The Great Depression, even though it was a sad period for those who went through it brought many advantages for those who came after the period since the decisions made then have kept the American economy stable for decades. For example, the idea of a minimum wage comes from the aftermath of the great depression and the benefits to the southern half of the American states were immense since the economic focus shifted from agriculture to industrialization and services (Parker, 2007). I feel that Americans lost trust in financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies in the years which followed the great depression and came to depend more on the relationship they had with the government. Franklin Roosevelt probably benefited most from the era since he was able to pull America out of the situation and was (and still is) seen as a hero for the nation. His New Deal worked for a lot
Thursday, October 17, 2019
History and Organizations of Project Management Essay
History and Organizations of Project Management - Essay Example How did the PM go from 0 to the speed of light in the last few years? Well, technology has surely paved the way, but cooperation among PMs has been the key to understanding the critical need to communicate and integrate work across multiple departments and professions. One of the earliest uses of technology in the field of PM was the introduction of the Gantt Chart. This simple visual aid was introduced in 1917 while Henry Gantt studied the management of Navy ship construction during WWI (The history of project management). Gantt charts, still used today, were complete with task bars and milestone markers and were useful in the scheduling of project duration and manpower. Gantt charts remained a powerful mainstay of the PM profession and according to The history of project management have, "[...] remained virtually unchanged for nearly a hundred years.". Yet, throughout this period some other innovations were taking place. During the 1950s, the Cold War military was making huge demands on technology. Admiral Raborn of the U.S. Navy was responsible for getting the Polaris Missile program operational as quickly as possible (Theory of constraints, 2006). They turned to a man named Williard Fazar and with his help, they developed the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). PERT was an improvement on an earlier system called CPM that failed to manage random time variations that were critical to the Navy. PERT improvement was able to account for these complex variables and became a network model that allowed for randomness in activity completion times (PERT Chart, 2006). The next four decades were a little boring for Project Management. Some writers introduced radical new theories such as the 1960s book by Johnson, Kast, and Rosenzweig called The Theory and Management of Systems, which compared a modern business to a human organism (Theory of
Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Economic Development - Essay Example Population growth is presently considered as a vital event in relation to economic development. The aspect is often regarded as a major determinant of the pace of development witnessed within an economy or a specific region. Based on a similar perspective, the article named â€Å"Falling Fertility†emphasized on reviewing the study conducted by Thomas Malthus during the late 1790s signifying population to be a vital event in the economic development process. As mentioned in the article, it was predicted by Thomas Malthus during 1798 that the growth rate of the population might outdo the food supply of the world in the upcoming era. However, the article states that the predictions made by the author were termed as undependable.Furthermore, the article states the fact that the author connoted that with the rapid growth in the process of industrialization there was fall in the rate of fertility in the then ‘developing countries’ such as France, Europe, America, and B ritain. According to Malthus (1998), it was observed that when people became prosperous with the virtues of industrialization, the families became smaller in terms of the total number of members. On the flipside, Thomas Malthus also noted that when families reduced, people became wealthier. Taking the inspiration from Thomas Malthus’ study, a similar scenario has been depicted in the article published through ‘The Economist’ replicating the aspect that it is with the increasing rate of industrialization that families tend to shrink.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Choose a topic for the Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Choose a topic for the Paper - Essay Example The causes for the great depression are many and complex but the basic reasons for the great depression can be listed as a stock market which crashed, economic trends which were negative and a lack of investments in large projects. Industries such as heavy machinery production, shipbuilding and mining operations were worst hit and they had to let go of thousands of workers who could not find jobs to replace the ones they had lost (Wheeler, 2007). Amongst the after effects of the Great Depression was the New Deal which was offered by Roosevelt to the Americans which gave fair wages for fair work. A forty hour work week was created to make sure that positions could be given to all those who wanted to work and massive deficit spending was undertaken by the government to give the economy a boost. In fact, the current transport network which crisscrosses across America is one of the projects which was started to get America out of its economically stagnant state (Higgs, 1992). The Great Depression, even though it was a sad period for those who went through it brought many advantages for those who came after the period since the decisions made then have kept the American economy stable for decades. For example, the idea of a minimum wage comes from the aftermath of the great depression and the benefits to the southern half of the American states were immense since the economic focus shifted from agriculture to industrialization and services (Parker, 2007). I feel that Americans lost trust in financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies in the years which followed the great depression and came to depend more on the relationship they had with the government. Franklin Roosevelt probably benefited most from the era since he was able to pull America out of the situation and was (and still is) seen as a hero for the nation. His New Deal worked for a lot
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Economic Development - Essay Example Population growth is presently considered as a vital event in relation to economic development. The aspect is often regarded as a major determinant of the pace of development witnessed within an economy or a specific region. Based on a similar perspective, the article named â€Å"Falling Fertility†emphasized on reviewing the study conducted by Thomas Malthus during the late 1790s signifying population to be a vital event in the economic development process. As mentioned in the article, it was predicted by Thomas Malthus during 1798 that the growth rate of the population might outdo the food supply of the world in the upcoming era. However, the article states that the predictions made by the author were termed as undependable.Furthermore, the article states the fact that the author connoted that with the rapid growth in the process of industrialization there was fall in the rate of fertility in the then ‘developing countries’ such as France, Europe, America, and B ritain. According to Malthus (1998), it was observed that when people became prosperous with the virtues of industrialization, the families became smaller in terms of the total number of members. On the flipside, Thomas Malthus also noted that when families reduced, people became wealthier. Taking the inspiration from Thomas Malthus’ study, a similar scenario has been depicted in the article published through ‘The Economist’ replicating the aspect that it is with the increasing rate of industrialization that families tend to shrink.
Affirmative action Essay Example for Free
Affirmative action Essay Diversity is the differences between individuals and groups when looking at gender, cultural and religious beliefs, disabilities, sexual preferences and appearance. Diversity brings strength to society, but unfortunately it is often seen as a problem. Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and no less favourably, specific to their needs, which include things such as race, gender, age, disabilities etc. Promoting equality should remove discrimination and also allow individuals in society opportunities which are as good as opportunities experienced by other people. Inclusion at its simplest is ‘the state of being included’. Inclusion is to include everyone and meet their differences are respected. Inclusion involves identifying and breaking down barriers that prevent individuals from being involved, taking part or fitting in. Discrimination is to treat someone differently, because either the individual or the individuals’ family are seen as part of a different group in society. The differences between people can lead to animosity, which can cause divisions and conflict in society and may also rise to prejudice. Discrimination doesn’t always only have effect on the individual being discriminated against. In many situations it can also have an effect on friends or families of the individual, those who inflict discrimination and also the wider society. An individual can face many effects due to discrimination. They may begin to feel withdrawn, isolated or depressed. It may also affect their ability to build relationships or even maintain relationships they already have. Physical effects such as headaches, loss or growth of appetite, sleeplessness and lack of energy may also occur. On the other hand discrimination can have a positive effect on an individual, making them emotionally stronger and determined to fight discrimination. Family members and friends may also be affected seeing their friend or family is being discriminated against. They may distance themselves from the individual or share the individuals’ affects due to concern and hurt. An individual being discriminated against can also have an effect on the wider society. A group of individuals may also share the same quality as the individual being discriminated against, for example, religion. If a Hindu person is being discriminated against, other Hindu individuals may feel withdrawn or scared therefore distance themselves from society in order to avoid being discriminated against as well Those who inflict discrimination are also affected. Discrimination which leads to assuming that certain individuals are inferior to others can lead to them having false views of the world. Inclusive practice is working towards breaking down barriers. When barriers are broken down individuals and groups can begin to feel a part of a diverse society where they can be themselves and treated equally. Having a group of individuals all included in a setting also shows them that all different, diverse individuals are the same and should not be discriminated against. Inclusive practice should help individuals identify differences in a positive way.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Different Types Of Discrimination And Coping Social Work Essay
Different Types Of Discrimination And Coping Social Work Essay This essay discusses on the different types of discrimination and the different coping strategies or behaviours used. The Oxford Dictionary defined discrimination as the unwarranted or hurtful treatment of different groups of people, especially on the grounds of gender, race or age. Coping is defined as a change in cognitive and behaviour to evade harmful event. Discrimination affects an individual physically, mentally and emotionally. Studies have shown that discrimination can lead to depression. However, there have been various coping behaviours that have been identified to help victims of discrimination. Further studies need to be conducted to address other types of discriminations such as old age, disabled, workplace and others. Keywords: Racial Discrimination, Gender Discrimination, Coping Behaviours Discrimination and Coping Discrimination has been present for hundreds and hundreds of years. Discrimination is defined as the unwarranted or hurtful treatment of different groups of people, especially on the basis of gender, race or age by the Oxford Dictionary. Acts of discrimination can be witnessed through many historical events such as the Holocaust, where the Jews were discriminated and murdered because the Germans believed that they were superior. Not only that but, the blacks were also a target of discriminatory acts during the Civil War where they were forced to become slaves. However, there are various ways to cope with discrimination. Coping is defined as a change in cognitive and behaviour to evade harmful events (Rantanen, Mauno, Kinnunen Rantanen, 2011). There are many causes of discrimination. In the western world, history is marked by BC and AD, however there was a third category which is 9/11. 9/11 marked a very tragic day in the history of United States as that was the day when the al-Qaeda launched an attack on the United States by hijacking planes and crashing them into the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. Post 9/11 witnessed a rapid increase and all time high report of discrimination, hate crimes and religion profiling (Ahluwalia Pellettiere, 2010). Many Sikhs became the target of prejudicial and discriminatory act as they resembled the appearance of the terrorist whom wore turbans. Turbans are worn by the Sikh as a sign of faith. Therefore the Sikhs became the target of racial discrimination due to the media constantly and continuously portraying images of suspected terrorist wearing turbans. (Ahluwalia Pellettiere, 2010). Not only that, but it was mandatory that baptized Sikhs carry a kirpan. Kirpans are dagger liked shaped and is a symbol of peace and truth. There were such cases where the Sikhs residing in United States were sacked, downgraded, placed under probation and even came across false criminal charges due to them carrying the kirpan (Ahluwalia Pellettiere, 2010). Due such unexpected events occurring, the Sikhs were forced to go against all their believes in order to lead a risk-free life. No stones were left unturned post 9/11 as the innocent Sikh children experienced the backlash of this event. Majority of the Sikh students in New York testified to being abused at schools due to their religion and country of origin (Ahluwalia Pellettiere, 2010). The September 11 attacks did not only impact the lives of the Sikhs in the United States in a negative way, but also the Muslims. A good number of atrocities took place on the streets, in convenience stores, petrol stations, educational institutions and at mosques (Abu-Raiya, Pargament Mahoney, 2011). Many Muslims reported that they stayed indoors as they feared that they would be a victim of hate crime. Not only that, but many Muslims were concerned about their future in the country (Abu-Raiya et al., 2011). Due to the sudden change in their environment, the Sikhs and Muslims had to find various coping methods to overcome these negative outcomes. Various research discovered that the Sikh would seek out assistance from their family, community and faith before pursuing mental health facilities (Ahluwalia Pellettiere, 2010). The pious Sikhs seek assistance from their holy scripture the Guru Granth Sahib. This holy scripture taught them to oppress the feeling of being a victim and take control of the situation when undergoing superficial suffering such as discrimination and biasness. On the other hand, there were many Sikh men who decided that they could no longer handle the constant abuse and discrimination and made drastic changes against their culture such as cutting their hair and choosing to not wear turbans. Similar to the Sikhs, the Muslims depended extensively on coping method related to religion such as reciting scriptures, praying and forgiveness. Research evidence found that religious behaviour increased post 9/11 attacks. There were two patterns in regard to religious coping; one pattern was positive religious coping methods and another was negative religious coping methods (Abu-Raiya et al., 2011). Researchers concluded that positive religious coping resulted in posttraumatic development whereas negative religious coping resulted in loneliness and mental instability (Abu-Raiya et al., 2011) Asian Americans were also a target of discriminatory act pre 9/11. From way back then when Asians first stepped foot in America till now they have been faced with racism and discrimination. One might consider that discrimination against Asian-Americans might reduce as their population gets larger, however, that is not accurate. Asian-Americans are faced with discrimination on a day-to-day basis right from discriminatory terms to physical abuse (Yoo Lee, 2005). Research validates that ethnic identity operates as a vital psychological asset that allows ethnic and racial minorities to fight against racial discrimination (Yoo Lee, 2005). Therefore, we can see that having a strong ethnic identity and believe in ones culture can help an individual overcome discrimination. Another study investigated the relationship between racial discrimination stress and depressive symptoms and various coping strategies. Research suggested that the understanding of the intricacy in the involvement between perceived discrimination and health can be broadened by combining other factors into the model (Wei, Heppner, Ku, Liao, 2010). Racism and discrimination can negatively have an impact on the psychological health of their victims. Asian Americans very often encounter prejudicial insults, intentionally and unintentionally ( Alvarez Juang, 2010). Continuous exposure to such insults and actions can take a toll on a person. It was reported that continuous taunting were positively correlated with depression ( Alvarez Juang, 2010). The level of coping with discrimination can be influenced by several extrinsic factors such as how frequent the discrimination occurs, the period discrimination occurs and the various types of coping behaviours either before or after the event. Research evidence also presented a previous study that was conducted by Noh and colleagues (1999, 2003) whom investigated both the individualistic coping behaviour of the Western culture (active coping) and the collectivistic coping behaviour of the Eastern culture (forbearance coping) (Wei et al., 2010). Noh and Kaspar (2003) identified that active coping helped decrease the perceived racial discrimination on depression for Korean Canadian immigrants. It can be concluded that Asian Americans should learn to practice active coping strategies by viewing the stressor in a positive way that will help develop their mental health. Approach-type coping is another coping strategy that can be utilized to overcome the after effects of discrimination. This is then categorized into three common forms which are social support seeking, cognitive restructuring and problem solving.Social support seeking is defined participating in behaviour directed at gaining emotional support from others (Yoo Lee, 2005). For example, an individual should open up about how they are feeling instead of oppressing everything inside. Another type of coping strategy is cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring is defined as tactics that alter the significance of the harmful event and make an effort to perceive it in a positive way (Yoo Lee, 2005). For example, an individual should view a discriminatory act as motivating and not de-motivating. Not only that, but problem solving is another coping strategy that is defined as participating in behaviour oriented at solving an issue (Yoo Lee, 2005). Similar to other studies, families play a very crucial role in helping victims of discrimination cope with their lives. Asian Americans have a tendency to cope with racial discrimination by communicating and socializing with their family members (Wei et al., 2010). Many cultures have faith in their religion and often turn to spiritual coping. However, it was discovered that Asian Americans did not patronize their religion and spirituality and reported it to be not constructive in coping with discrimination (Wei et al., 2010). This could be due to Asian Americans feeling more comfortable and protected with verbal support as compared to spiritual and mental support. Other studies reported different types of coping behaviour. One study extensively classified coping as either problem focused or emotion focused. Problem-focused coping would require a confrontation with the offender whereas, emotion-focused coping would require pursuing social support (Alvarez Juang, 2010). Workplace sexual harassment is also a form of discrimination. Woman are more prone to this type of discrimination as they are often seen as the weaker half. Sexual harassment has been proved to negatively affect workers psychological and physical health. Not only that, but it has been identified that sexual harassment ended with female workers undergoing deterioration in their physical and emotional well-being ( Schneider, Swan Fitzgerald, 1997). Female workers often turn to various coping strategies to cope with workplace discrimination. Research implies that women do not use direct coping strategies such as confronting the harasser. Not only that, but it is proven that female students who undergo workplace discrimination often change plans, change workplace in order to avoid being further discriminated (Schneider et al., 1997) Another discrimination that should be addressed other than racial discrimination is sexual discrimination. The current era has a predisposed thought that same-sex couples are very distinct from heterosexual couples. To the contrary, the faithful relationships of same-sex couples are recognized by same or parallel characteristics of heterosexual couples. However, many same-sex couples are distinguished by stigma and are confronted with discriminatory acts countless times (Rotosky, Riggle, Gray Hatton, 2007). Many individuals are not able to accept the fact that the number of same-sex couples is growing and it will soon become a common thing around the world. Just because two people of the same gender love each other does not make them any less of a human. In spite of this, same-sex couples undergo tremendous amount of discrimination from their family and religion. Religious and legal institutions have discriminated same-sex couples by saying that they are going to burn in hell because of their intimate relationship. These institutions that are the basics of every culture does not want to recognize that two people of the same gender can have an intimate bond (Rotosky et al., 2007). When the discrimination against same-sex couples started becoming more and more prolific, it took a toll on them. These couples found it difficult to carry on with their everyday lives as their community and people around them made them feel like they were a cursed human-being. These couples had to gradually find ways to cope with this growing problem. The first step to coping for various couples was self-acceptance, by accepting themselves as sexual minority and seeing their relationship in a positive way. Another step was by originating a support systems made up of family members, friends and other same-sex couples (Rotosky et al., 2007). The studies aforementioned discuss racial discrimination and sexual discrimination and the various coping strategies to cope with it. In order to improve the understanding of discrimination and its detrimental effect on an individuals health, further studies needs to be conducted. Not only that, but other types of discrimination such as discrimination against the old age, discrimination against the disabled, workplace discrimination and others should be addressed.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Misconceptions Of The Jungle By Upton Sinclair Essay examples -- e
     Upton Sinclair had always insisted that The Jungle was misread but did he ever think it could have been miswritten? The style of writing is not effective when addressing issues in a capitalistic society but proves to be very effective when exposing the secrets of the meatpacking industry. The novel is not remembered for being a classic work in literature but rather an important book in history in that it changed the way America looked at food in the early part of the century.      Sinclair loses his argument for Socialism at around the time when the characters in the book lose their humanity. The multitude of unfortunate situations and events makes the story more and more unrealistic and the reader loses a sense of compassion for the characters. Now, instead of being characters, they become objects in which the most you can do is pity them. When Jurgis comes home from jail to find his barely eighteen year-old wife dying, the third person omniscient narration guides the reader through the mind of Jurgis: â€Å"She was dead! She was dead! He would never see her again, never hear her again! An icy horror of loneliness seized him.†(190) After Ona’s death, one could not anticipate anything more to go wrong, but it does. In just a short time later, Jurgis’ son Antanas drowned in the street. It is extremely obvious that Sinclair is a Socialist himself. Anything and everything that could go wrong in the first three quarters of th...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Comparison of the Carbon Footprint of Retail Stores Patagonia, H&M, and The Wardrobe :: Global Warming Climate Change Carbon Emissions
Are you worried about global climate change? Have you ever wondered how you contribute to this problem? What about the impact of the clothes you buy? We have put together estimated information from three different types of stores to help you realize options you have as consumers to be more green. Patagonia is an example of an environmentally conscious and globally active store. The same is true for H&M but it aims to provide affordable, fashionable clothing at the same time. The Wardrobe in Davis, California is an example of a local store, community built and owned. It is important to consider the environmental impact of the stores you support and the clothes you buy. Local stores have the lowest impact because their transportation needs are less than those of stores part of a chain. However, although larger stores may emit more carbon simply because they are bigger, some are committed to cutting down on their carbon footprint. CARBON FOOTPRINTS Patagonia 303.66 tons CO2/yr H&M 261,376.75 tons CO2/yr The Wardrobe 54.13 tons CO2/yr Patagonia Patagonia's Carbon footprint of 303.66 tons of CO2 per year was calculated from estimating the lights in each store to 40.89 tons of CO2 (13%) from the electricity for 47 energy saver bulbs, and 182.85 tons of CO2 (61%) from electricity for 100 fluorescent tube lights, 71 tons of CO2 (23%) from the fuels burned for shipping to the stores from the distribution center, 8.23 tons of CO2 (3%) from the fuels burned for shipping clothes from the distribution center to the European stores by sea freight, and 1.3 tons of CO2 ( H&M H&M calculated it emitted 73,593.61 tons of CO2 to power its buildings (28%), 161,273.66 tons of CO2 for transportation of its clothing (62%), 23,517.81 tons of CO2 for business travel (9%), and 2,991.67 tons for fuel for its company cars (1%). The Wardrobe The Wardrobes footprint of 54.13 tons of CO2 per year was calculated using the 4.81 tons of CO2 (9%) from electricity for their four desktop computers, 0.99 tons CO2 (2%) from electricity for the 11 show lights kept lit 24 hours a day, everyday, 1.31 tons of CO2 (2%) from electricity for the 47 lights turned on during store hours equalling 52 hours a week, 6.
Friday, October 11, 2019
It was fairly common believe in China that with arrival of large amounts of silver would bring prosperity; but with such an extreme amount of this precious metal coming into one are caused problems. The Ming Dynasty declared that all taxes must be payed in silver. This created great disruption in the economy since silver coins were scarce at this time many people were unable to pay their taxes. To suffice the demands of the government a great deal of people would get their silver through middle-men. This exchange for silver lowered the value of Ming goods (Doc3). Wang Xijue, a court official, foresees the possible problems the large amounts of silver that the Ming would have coming into it if they began to trade with Europeans (Doc7). Inflation was a large concern for Xijue. This fear soon became a reality and the uncontrolled flow of silver into Ming China hurt the economy. Ye Chunji, a county official during the Ming Dynasty, ordered a limit to wedding expenses in the 1570’s (Doc1). If these frugal ways would have been instilled in the Ming people, the economy wouldn’t have had such a downfall. Furthermore, now shops would send bills for work and â€Å"must be paid with silver obtained from a moneylender†(Doc5). During this time moneylenders thrived while the Chinese economy suffered. Initially the silver demand help Spain but long term weakened the empire. â€Å"High prices ruined Spain as the prices attracted Asian commodities and the silver currency flowed out to pay for them†(Doc2). Contrastingly, the middle-men were largely benefiting from the trade of silver. Ralph Fitch, a British merchant, stresses this point by saying that the Portuguese received luxurious goods in return for silver in China (Doc4). In Document 8 Charles D’Avenant, an English scholar describes the trade England would have with Spanish colonies of luxury goods for silver for gold (Doc8). He expresses this trade a profitable. In conclusion, the increase in silver production in Japan and the Spanish Empire from 1500 to 1750 benefits the middle man instead of the consumer and supplier. An additional document with numerical evidence of to what extreme the silver trade increased during this time period would be useful to further understand the extent in which this all took place.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Glutten Free, Sugar Free, Low Carb Cake Balls Essay
So have you ever been to a party where there were cake balls and they were so good that you couldn’t stop eating them? Well I have and I know that I don’t like how I feel after I eat all of them. After going to a couple of different parties where these addicting treats were present I decided that I needed to find a way to make them better for you while still maintaining there amazing great taste. So I did some research with my kid sister and we found the perfect recipe. This amazing recipe is gluten free, sugar free, and it is also low carb. Today I’m going to inform you on how to make this fabulous batch of cake balls, which is set to make fifty. a. First I will tell you the differences in a batch of cake balls from a box cake and the healthy cake balls I’m going to give you. i. First a box of cake mix is already mixed and ready to go not much of a hassle to make, but the healthy cake balls require you to mix a bunch of different ingredients together. While it is time consuming if your making them with a friend or with your family members then it would be a great way to bond and talk. Second the texture of the healthy cake balls is sort of rough because there is applesauce in it and a regular cake mix is going to be smooth and â€Å"normal†. b. The second thing that I’m going to inform you on is how to make the cake balls. i. First you need to make sure you have all your ingredients 1. Ingredients such as almond flour, unsweetened coco powder, sea salt, baking powder, applesauce, eggs, vanilla extract, raspberry fruit spread (no sugar added) ii. Next you have to pre-heat the oven to 350 °. You also need to have a 13Ãâ€"9-baking pan to put the cake mix to place in the oven. You then have to combine all your dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, and in a medium bowl mix together all your wet ingredients. iv. After you have mixed the dry and wet ingredients separately slowly mix them together into the large mixing bowl until thoroughly combined. Then pour into the baking pan. v. Once the cake has baked for roughly thirty-five minutes (or until toothpick comes out clean) let the cake cool off completely before you crumble the cake into a large bowl and mash the raspberry spread. Now that you know how to make the mix for cake balls you just have to form them and add a candy coating. i. Once the mixture is completely mixed take it and start making one-inch balls then put a lolli stick in it. ii. The candy coating is just an unsweetened 100% Cacao chocolate baking bar melted with vanilla extract. All you have to do is simply dip the stick into the melted chocolate (or your choice of flavor) III. Conclusion: Now that you know how to make healthy gluten and sugar free, low carb cake balls, you can be the one to bring them to parties and share the recipe.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Introduction to Counselling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Introduction to Counselling - Essay Example There are many counselling methods based on different counselling theories. The success of any type of counselling depends on the person and his requirements. Obviously, the environment and surroundings also have an effect on counselling. In most of the cases, mental therapy is required as things come from the brain, which is responsible for mental engagement. The reflex actions are taken by mental activities. So, counselling is not mainly for any ailment but it is a requirement of today’s life. One should not be hesitant in consulting any counsellor as it is important to make things better. Counsellor studies the case and after that, he decides which type of counselling a person needs. This is also dependent on the conditions provided by the person. The theories, which are being discussed below are Adlerian theory and Behavioural theory (Peele 1998). This theory is developed by Alfred Adler. Adler said that we act well when we feel that we are encouraged but we withdraw or give up when we are discouraged, we feel low in this case. The main thing in Adlerian theory is encouragement. It is the most important and key element for human success. It is a simple observation that encouragement and appreciation have pleasant affects on us and we try our best to do all the assigned jobs better. Adler uses this conception that our brain does not work using actual facts but it assumes the facts that it wants from the others, which are nice words and appreciation. He uses the subjective facts as he focuses on the perceptions of each person. As the word subjective refers to the point of view of an individual, so, Adler’s theory was based on this form (Corey 2009). The fact is that every problem or headache you posses is related to you. No other person will bear it for you so Adler uses this simple fact as basis of his theory. It is tot ally subjective. The
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Organisation of Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organisation of Business - Research Paper Example An example of a hospitality organization chart is shown in the diagram below. The above diagram is a form of a functional organization chart. According to Drury (2004) a functional organization structure, within a company, is one in which all activities of a similar type are placed under the control of the appropriate departmental head. An organization chart usually illustrates the organization structure. An organization structure denotes the way people are grouped in an organization and to whom they report (Drury 2004). The general manager is the leader of the organization. He is in charge of the entire organization and he or she has the responsibility for ensuring that all operations in the hotel are run smoothly (Wood & Brotherton 2008. All the heads of department report to the general manager. Below the General Manager are the heads of departments who are illustrated by the green color. The heads of department are in charge of their departments. They have to ensure that the set their goals and that their goals are in line with the overall organization goals. The heads of department have the responsibility of communicating their goals to the other employees below them (Stair, 2011). Furthermore, heads of department have the duty of preparing the duty roasters of their specific departments. In addition to these duties, the heads of departments have to know the staff requirements of their departments and can also propose the firing of some specific employees that are not fit in their departments (Letavec, 2006). At most hotels, all the heads of departments are usually equal in rank and may meet with the general manager to discuss the direction and goals of the organization. Departmental employees are below the heads of departments in blue color illustrated in the diagram above. They usually report to the heads of department (Andrews, 2009). Their main function is to follow the goals of their specific departments and ensure that they achieve their
Monday, October 7, 2019
International Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International Finance - Assignment Example The dataset includes information about stock return, return on equity, and return on assets, total bank assets and amihud index. The data set used in this study is related to several banks that do operate in various parts of the world and this enabled the understanding of the interaction of these two variables that include funding liquidity and market liquidity risk. Firstly correlation analysis was undertaken between certificate of deposits for banks (funding liquidity risk) and Amihud index (market liquidity risk).Regression analysis was as well undertaken between these two variables. In addition, for further studies, a regression analysis could be performed between the dependent variable which was certificates of deposit and the independent variables that include, total asset, stock returns, Amihud index and return on assets. Literature on the interaction between the funding liquidity risk and market liquidity risk was searched on internet through Google. Important journals related to the topic were selected and summarized. The key words such as measurement of market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk; the relationship between market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk were used when searching the literature online. The below results from correlation analysis indicate that there is a positive correlation between the market liquidity risk and the funding liquidity risk during the given period. The positive correlation is indicated by 0.08 as the coefficient value between these two variables. It is also seen that the correlation between these two variables is significant since the p value is less than 0.05.The variable of market liquidity and funding liquidity have been represented by Amihud index and the volume of assets. Basing on the regression analysis results below where, Amihud index was taken as dependent variable and the certificates of deposit represented independent variable.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Principles of Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Principles of Accounting - Essay Example In simple terms accounting can be also referred to as â€Å"the language of business†because of its role that helped in recording and processing the financial information that the firm requires for management purpose (Mukherjee & Hanif, 2003; Galanza, 1995). The main purpose of accounting is to provide financial information that is required by an economic unit to enhance the efficiency of its operations. The tern economic entity not only signifies a business unit but also the entities that are operating without the purpose of profit-making like the public charities, clubs, churches and government bodies. The accounting information helps in decision making in the organization. For instance decision like availability of cash while going for purchasing of new equipments or whether the business is running in profit requires the knowledge of accounting information. This accounting information for a business unit is recorded by the accountant (Nobles, et al., 2012). Book keeping Me thod Book-keeping is referred to as the science and arts of recording business transactions and other financial transactions that are related to any institution, firm and associations of person or company. It is recorded in certain books at regular interval following certain definite rules. It is called as science because it represents certain systemized knowledge that are based on certain set of principles, which are followed throughout the process to ensure that the reason for recording the transaction can be explained carefully. On the other hand it is called arts since it involves the human ability and skill for recording the business transaction as per the principles (Kumar & Prasad, 1999). Scope The process of Book keeping involves two significant steps. Firstly the process involves recording of all the transaction in a book called journal. Secondly transferring all the transactions that were previously recorded into another book called as ledger. In order to know the net effe ct of all the transactions the various accounts that are recorded into the ledger are balanced. The main theme of book keeping is to prepare and maintain the records till the stage of preparation of Trial Balance (Rao, 2005). Importance Book-keeping serves as the foundation of the entire financial reporting and accounting process. The responsibility of book-keeper is to analyze and record all the financial transaction occurring in an organization. The sum total of all the transaction forms the basis of everything that includes grant proposals, cash forecast, budget, tax return and financial reports. The employees and other staff of an organization must understand the goal and mission of a non-profitable organization, in order to perform their jobs in an effective and professional way. This is particularly true for the accounting system. Each transaction that is being recorded while book-keeping is significant for the volunteers, donors, board members, management, community and emplo yees of the organization. Accurate information delivered in timely manner provides the stakeholders of the organization with the comment regarding the financial health of the organization.Â
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Guest Lecture by Erin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Guest Lecture by Erin - Essay Example Agile development stimulates robust and receptive planning, progressive development and delivery (Kruchten 352). Although the connection of cost, scope, and schedule still exists in the iron triangle model, the concept is turning out to be complicated and ineffective. Quality in the iron triangle is delivered through scope, scheduling and cost. In agile development teams are required to adjust and rework schedules without exceeding the project’s budget to provide the product. In the agile development methodology, value is incorporated in the project scope while, in the iron triangle of waterfall methodology, value is the result. With the realization that projects have strict timelines, and changes are inevitable, the agile development model utilizes constraints to reevaluate scheduling (Kruchten 354). Scheduling flexibility is limited in the iron triangle methodology. In the iron triangle, the scope of the project, schedule, and cost elements are used to evaluate the quality of the project. Cost structures in agile development are flexible to attain the required effect and quality. Agil e development is the best method to use for this project, it flexible, cost effective and allow for rapid improvements. There are numerous problems associated with the iron triangle model when developing real-life
Friday, October 4, 2019
Principles of finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Principles of finance - Essay Example In this case, the debtor is the companies in question. In most cases, this is termed as assets granted, particularly by the creditor to the debtor. The debtor agrees to repay the debt with an interest. Some companies use debt as part of their strategy in corporate finance. Before the debt is issued, both parties have to agree on the standard of deferred payment. In most cases, this repayment is in the mode of currency (Blum 2006). However, this repayment can be in the form of goods and services. Payment can be paid in installments or in the whole amount at the end of a loan agreement. A company offers different kinds of debts to customers to finance its operations. There are secured and unsecured debts, depending on whether the creditors have recourse to the assets of the borrower or not. In addition, there are private or public loans depending on the parties involved. One of the main reason why companies tend not to issue as much debt as possible is the fear of becoming bankrupt. If a company issues more debt than its stipulated capital, then the possibility of bankruptcy is usually high. This is especially in unsecured debts, and the borrower happens to forfeit payment. If this happens with a considerable number of borrowers, then the company can be at an extreme risk (DePamphilis 2011). Therefore, these companies offer debts amounting to the given budget. The financial advisors of the company advise the top managers on the considerable amount of debts to issue that would not alter the normal functioning of the company in any way. Secondly, a company may not be in a position to offer as much debt as possible. This is because the company may be undergoing some harsh economic times. Therefore, the company’s initial capital might be limited to offering a given amount of debt. During this period, some companies may not offer any debt at all. Therefore, the amount of debts a company offers is often guided by the economic situations of the company particular ly the capital in place (Forsythyl 2009). In addition, most of the risks involved may deter a company from issuing as many debts as possible. The companies, with the help of their financial advisers, look into all the risks in all the risks involved before issuing the debts. These risks may be as a result of economic downtowns, variability in the interest rates experienced and changes in the conditions of the market. Some companies tend to take the risks but obviously at a minimum (Prattie 2011). Fewer companies are willing to take many risks, therefore, tending to issue a limited amount of debts as possible. Moreover, some of these companies tend to put in place a lot of terms and conditions required before one gains access to these loans. Therefore, some debtors tend to bark out of the lending process due to all these requirements. Some of the requirement of a company before issuance of debts is collateral mostly in the form of assets. The debtor may not possess the required colla teral and, therefore, may not be legible to qualify for a debt from a certain company in question. In addition, the interest rates required by the company may be too high for the debtor not forgetting the question of having to follow the covenant made in the process. More to this is that this debt has to be repaid. Therefore, the investor or debtor in question has to have a stable cash flow to be in a position to repay in the stipulated time (Black 2010). Therefore, the appetite in making investment decisions is reduced. As a result, fewer debtors would be in a position to take the risk because a few of them have a stable cash flow. They may, therefore, fear the consequences that follow a forfeited debt payment therefore reducing the amount
Thursday, October 3, 2019
How Mary Rowlandsons Puritan Beliif Influenced Her Narrative of Her Captivity Essay Example for Free
How Mary Rowlandsons Puritan Beliif Influenced Her Narrative of Her Captivity Essay Some people are just better suited for things and situations then others. If you want a really hard math equation done maybe you should look in the depths of the library. If you need help moving into a new house and are moving heavy stuff go to the nearest weight room. Everyone, for the most part, is usually good for something. In this narrative, religion is everywhere.With verse after verse being quoted from the Bible. Some people have many Gods while most have one reining all-powerful being. In the case of Mary Rowlandson, I believe her being a puritan and having the strong puritan beliefs made her more suitable for dealing with the trails she was about to face then say a everyday church goer. Being the wife of a preacher it shows in the text Mary was solidly grounded in her faith making and well knowledgeable See more: how to start a narrative essay introduction The Puritan Belief is one that was quite popular in the colonies at that time. Major Puritan beliefs are taken seriously. A Puritan had to be a hard worker, be honest about everything and to be able to be self sufficient even though they believed that life on this earth was of little importance, that they shouldn’t worry too much because life is temporary. That all people’s faith is already predetermined from the second they were born. From Mary’s point of view she was very obedient to her husband. The Father was the backbone of Puritan households; he had control over everything and led the family financially and spiritually. In the start of Mary’s captivity she is living in Lancaster with her family when the natives attack them. Almost everyone on the village is brutally killed or wounded or taken into captivity and bargained for goods from the colonist for their lives. Mary’s family members were either killed or wounded. She witnessed the brutality of the Indians as she describes in one man in her village wounded in the ground begging for his life and the natives ripped him naked and removed all his bowels (Salisbury, p.68). Now separated from all but her very wounded daughter the natives begin to take them northwest. Eventually her daughter, Sarah, passes away from her injuries. This trail in Mary’s life for many people would spell doom. I don’t think if Mary were a devout Puritan she would have not survived the hardship of losing her daughter plus the abuse of being a captive to the natives. Even with her strong faith Mary writes about her waning faith, the bitterness in her heart and intense sadness she is feeling During this time Mary describes the natives of being like demons. Workers for the evil doings of Satan (Salisbury, p.71). That the natives are more then just enemies of war but enemies of the Christian faith and the spread of the goodness of God. Saying many times over she yearns for the company of fellow Christians. While writing this narrative Mary constantly revaluates her faith. Even saying at one point after the death of her daughter then she has not been showing the lord enough attention on the Sabbath. Saying at one time â€Å"The next day was the Sabbath: then I remembered how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent, and how evilly I had walked in Gods sight†(Salisbury, p.74). Mary realizes that she must keep her faith if she is going to survive this ordeal. She always quotes scripture to understand or squander any obstacle she faces. Even in the smallest things she quotes scripture, while walking she simply slips a quotes a Psalm, â€Å"When my foot slipped, thy mercy, O Lord, help me up†(Salisbury, p.96). Reinforcing her puritan beliefs that God had a plan for her. That everything that was happening to her was in an already predetermined plan. God though seems from my point of view was watching over Mary. When her wounds are worsening she happens to run into a British man that had similar injuries and showed her how to heal them. During one of the Indians raids on the Medfield colony, one of the natives recovered a Bible that they allowed Mary to read(Salisbury, p.76). When she needed food somehow she found a way to get food or some was provided for her. King Philip is a tribal leader that even though the war bears his name is not so violent him-self and makes Mary’s survival chances brighter. Mary gets word from a man that her husband is alive and she gets to see her children which gives her hope that she will live with them again. All these things some small some larger made God seem present with her. Mary knows the Puritan belief requires them to be self-sufficient. She foraged for nuts and grain and started sewing to trade for either meals or goods like tobacco, which she could sell. Mary is always honest with the natives. Never ling to them about her plans or what she thought. Mary Rowlandson’s narrative on this story did show me how during rough times during the early colonies these religious puritans held strong. Though some beliefs of the new bay puritans may be drastic if seems it was the perfect religion for that time. Throughout the story Mary is tempted with signs of rescue but never truly curses God or defiles him. Personally Mary’s story is very similar to Jobs, who she quotes one or twice, in which God allows Satan to bring many hardships on him to challenge his faith because Satan believe since God blesses Job with many things when all is taken from him he will abandon God and curse him. Job never does though saying to his wife, â€Å"Shall we only except the good things from God and not the Bad?†Mary’s perseverance eventually leads to her release and she is reunited with most of her family. Her Puritan belief kept her mentally and spiritually prepared for what she had to go through and inspired her to write such a powerful story of faith and hope.
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