Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Communications Essay - 1968 Words
Freedom of speech is a right of individuals as they possess their own free will. Because of their free will, individuals have expressed their thoughts, desires, and aspirations through the mass media. Communicating freely with other affirms the dignity and worth of each and every member of society. Communication remains Gods great gift to humanity without which we cannot be truly human, reflecting Gods image. Freedom of expression is essential in the attainment and advancement of knowledge. Communication brings forth various ideas and information. People today are better informed and more enlightened thanks to thriving press freedom and expanding mass media here and in many parts of the world. All points of view are represented in the†¦show more content†¦It backstabs, destroys images and reputations, covers up the truth, stimulates negatively, and imparts the wrong messages. There are so many examples of negative media coverage such as â€Å"Watergate†. Media portrays black folk in such negative stereotypes that people in other coutrieds perceive blacks as pimps, and hustlers as well as crooks and low-lifes. Moreover, people experience a freedom of the press that becomes an avalanche of conflicting information and opinion. It is a freedom that is often misleading. It confuses even as it is supposed to enlighten, it assails the senses even as it is supposed to refine them, it entertains more than it enlightens, it gossips more than it informs. The right to freedom of expression is being severely tested today as artistic expression is under attack, as some groups seek to impose their morality on the rest of society. Thus, media has become morally and creatively bankrupt. Media shows no values and moral ethics and the content is filled with no other topic but violence and sex. Consequently, media mirrors society by reflecting it as a society with low morals, with crime, sex, and pornography. It contributes to the national breakdown and the moral degradation of society. It has corrupted and exploited the freedom of the press. Again, this must cease! Media teaches by means of vibrations and images that leave a greater effect on the youth. 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