Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music and fantasy Essay
In the start of the story, Connie drives the life of a cheerful multi year old young lady. She goes through a large portion of her days around with companions where they meet young men, tune in to music, watch films or go for shopping. At the point when she remains at home, she fantasying about gathering young men and gets in her mother’s way. She is upbeat when she tunes in to music and when she is visiting the area with her companions. She is despondent when she is at home and her mom continually bothers her. Her mom thinks of her as pointless, whose brain is constantly loaded up with ‘trashy daydreams’. She resembles some other white collar class adolescent. Her reality is loaded with companions, fun, awesome music and dream. She realizes that she is pretty and that is everything to her. She like most youngsters apparently lives two lives: one that her family observes and the other when is anyplace other than home. She watches the world through the rose hued glasses of youth. Her contribution with young men both genuine and envisioned are sweet and delicate, the manner in which it is in motion pictures and guaranteed in melodies. 1. The story is distinctive as in the person in question, Connie comes out voluntarily, leaving her home and family behind. The stole doesn't constrain his way in to her home. Or maybe he tempts her by music, magnetism and expanding dangers. At the point when Arnold companion shows up and approach her to go for a drive, she is complimented that he recalls her. Bit by bit she sees something counterfeit about him and needs to stop the discussion. Yet, the turn comes past the point of no return and by then Friend has her in his hold. She understands the peril however decides to yield. She attempts to secure her deepest self by falling into a condition of daze and removing herself from her body. The sweet popular music that Connie listens for quite a while exemplify her innocent vision of life, love and sex, this demonstrates extremely hazardous for Connie. She has a cloudy view that any explicitly accused connection of young men is sweet and delicate like it is appeared in films and guaranteed in melodies. Consequently she is defenseless against Arnold Friend, whose camouflage has an odd likeness to Bob Dylan. His activities are that of the drifter in Dylan’s tune, â€Å"It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue†, who comes to draw her into a foreboding and questionable fate. The Rock’n’Roll music is consistently present in Connie’s life. She hears music in an eatery around. It causes Connie to feel great about everything. To her, it resembles a community gathering, something to rely on. At the point when she is with a kid Eddie, again there is music. Music causes her to feel satisfaction and delight of being alive. At the point when she is at home, she wanders off in fantasy land about young men and music is consistently at the foundation. On a Sunday evening, when she is separated from everyone else at home, she turns on the radio; she is promptly washed in a shine of moderate beat satisfaction that appeared to rise bafflingly out of the music. Music is additionally present as Ellie Oscar’s transistor radio, the sentimental guarantees and mad strains of music help Arnold Friend in enticing Connie at her home. 4. One of the topics of the story is fantasy of guiltless youth versus the truth of dubious future. Connie has the deception of affection and life which is slammed by the coldblooded reality. In the start of the story, Connie sees the world through the rose shaded glasses of guiltless youthful. She accepts the world to resemble what is seen in mainstream motion pictures and guaranteed in bubble-gum rock. She lives in her own fantasy world. She fantasizes about young men, where all the faces break down in to one single face which isn't a face yet a thought, an inclination blend in with music. Toward the finish of the story Arnold Friend shows up at her doorsteps and her universe of fantasy and guiltlessness is attacked with merciless reality. Companion prevails with regards to tempting her in to an obscure and dubious goal. In addition on the off chance that we consider Friend as a depiction of Charles Schmid, a sequential executioner in Tucson, Arizona, at that point most likely she faces the truth of assault and along these lines passing. Work Citation: â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates†. 12 July 2007. College of San Francisco †¢ Educating Minds and Hearts to Change the World. 19 September 2007 <http://jco. usfca. edu/works/wgoing/content. html> Joyce Carol Oates â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†. 4 May 2000. Martina Preis and Corina Naujokat. 19 September 2007. <http://www. philjohn. com/papers/pjkd_ga15. html> We Could Be So Good Together: Rock And Roll And American Fiction. June 2007. Terry Dalrymple and John Wegner. 19 September 2007. <http://www. nobleworld. business/pictures/D_and_W. pdf>
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Jobs Killer Driverless Trucks Samples †
Question: How Driverless Trucks Could Change Australia? Answer: Presentation The case situation shows how the flow foundation of cutting edge data innovation is getting emphatically just as adversely affected with the advancement of driverless vehicles. This is alluded to as one of the most energizing and trend setting innovations inside the skyline that could have horrible ramifications for Australias tearing networks. From the thought of the business perspectives it has been discovered that, driverless vehicle or self driving vehicle is a mechanized innovation that is fundamentally a mechanical vehicle (Driverless-trucks, 2017). Without the assistance of the human mediation a vehicle must have the option to explore it as a passing one. The intercession is a to begin with decided goal over the streets which isn't been embraced for its general utilization. The innovation is valuable since it lessens the weight from the human and the proficiency of a machine consistently stands more noteworthy than labor. However, plans of this sort of machines are costlier th an the conventional one yet because of its operational greatness, the greater part of the huge vehicle producing organizations have begun planning these self driving vehicles. Utilitarianism Theory Utilitarianism is the hypothesis that gives boosted utility to the activities. Since last 7 to 8 years the car ventures have become a wellspring of monetary development and advancement in Australia ()Bojarski et al., 2016). The capacity of driving has become an image for versatility and autonomy which traverses the age. Car businesses acquire viable benefits the general public by playing creative just as noteworthy jobs. Through, the pace of wastefulness is expanding that is pertinent to the vehicle convenience is constantly stunning. There are many assembling organizations that have made self driving vehicles a reality. Oneself driving vehicles or a canny vehicle works with all the for starters decided exercises and activities too. The extra innovations incorporate self controlling, LIDAR, GPS, DGPS and computerized maps (Brett 2016). So as to follow various destinations in the mid street or street side, the mechanized directing framework is seen as particularly useful. The guiding framework holds a camera also. The optical remote detecting innovation is additionally utilized by the mechanized vehicle improvement office. With the assistance of the GPS tracker the mechanized vehicle creating framework will have the option to comprehend about the detail track through which the vehicle may driver to s end the shoppers to their ideal goal. Deontology hypothesis Deontology hypothesis is alluded to as regularizing moral position that assists with making a decision about the ethical quality o various activities. In spite of the fact that this creative innovation encourages the entrepreneurs to increase compelling profit by the commercial center and yet name moral and non moral perspectives are likewise related to this innovation those might influence the general activity and practical progression of the car vehicle fabricating organization (Howard and Dai 2014). The operational and utilitarian necessities of oneself driving vehicles are like the conventional vehicles like oneself driving vehicles additionally run with the assistance of petroleum (Hee Lee, Faundorfer and Pollefeys 2013). Notwithstanding, the Tesla vehicle producing organization fabricates vehicles that go through the assistance of sunlight based vitality. In the wake of examining the highlights of oneself driving vehicles it has been discovered that, the eventual fate of onesel f driving is under wide inquiry. In oneself driving innovation of Australia, immense measure of moral difficulties and questions are available. As this sort of vehicles are worked with the assistance of innovation just consequently in the event that the innovation comes up short, at that point mishaps may happen. Oneself driving vehicles use radar sensor to distinguish the mod street deterrents (Boeglin 2015). Be that as it may, in the event that the innovation bombs working, at that point it won't have the option to recognize the hindrances and in this way mishap additionally may happen. Excellence hypothesis Excellence moral hypothesis is alluded to as one of the most major regulating draws near. In oneself driving innovation the influenced individuals may be both the travelers and the expert vehicle or truck drivers. With the expanding number of self driving vehicles the quantities of prerequisites for the drivers are likewise getting decreased (Azmat, Schuhmayer and Kummer 2016). From a wide region overview in Australia it has been discovered that, numerous deadly accident have been happened in Australia with oneself driving vehicles. Complete reliance over innovation is a lot of troublesome like on the off chance that the innovation comes up short, at that point there will nobody to recognize the impediments in the way. Again in the center of the way on the off chance that the travelers need to change their goal, at that point that will likewise be a troublesome activity for the innovation (Driverless-trucks, 2017). A completely driverless vehicle is supplanting the expert drivers sub sequently they are losing their employment which is a major moral issue from the business angle. Proficient speculations and expert mechanized vehicle driving applications are required to be applied by the framework engineers (Chen et al., 2017). Again ultrasonic sensors are likewise there those are broadly utilized by the makers. On the off chance that oneself driving vehicles become a standard in Australia, at that point, another moral concern related to loss of employment may happen. Agreement hypothesis Agreement hypothesis is the investigation of the manner in which people and organizations build and create legitimate understandings. As per this hypothesis, the moral issues related to the innovation called self driving vehicle is number of employment loss of the expert drivers. As the quantity of self driving vehicle gets increments in Australia, the labor of the nation will likewise get influenced contrarily. Absence of appropriate programming will interfere with the general application stream of the framework. With the use of this inventive innovation the necessity of human or labor will get decreased which is valuable for the entrepreneurs and yet abrupt occupation misfortune is deceptive. On the off chance that the innovation is expanding regular and as per that the quantities of drivers are getting decreased ordinary then that is a greatest issue for the economy of Australia. In the event that oneself driving vehicle doesn't require drivers, at that point, at any rate for different applications like security and so on it is important to recruit human force (Driverless-trucks, 2017). In any case, no such law in concocted by the service of Australia however it has been secured that position misfortune is a difficult issue that is should have been settled by the Australian Government very soon. The individuals who are losing their positions must land another position sooner to maintain a strategic distance from melancholy and dissatisfaction. End Innovation is a blessing to the general public and yet ill-advised use of the trend setting innovation can come as a revile. Legitimate programming innovation ought to be consolidated to the framework with the goal that the specialized issues related to this self driving framework may get limited. Both in huge lodgings and inns oneself driving vehicles are utilized and wily acknowledged. Notable vehicle administration giving organizations like UBER, is additionally at present giving wide chances to the purchasers with the progressed computerized vehicle or self driving vehicles. Security of classified information is a viewpoint that is carefully required for oneself driving vehicles. Once more, sensor is another significant thing that additionally should have been fused to decrease the pace of disastrous mishaps. Suggestions In oneself driving vehicle innovation all the essential applications are served by the cutting edge innovation as it were. On the off chance that, any such issues happen related to the innovation at that point, that could hamper the classification of both the specialist organizations and the travelers too. So as to relieve the security related issues it is important to receive appropriate security advancements with the goal that the monetary work force subtleties of the travelers and representatives don't get commandeered by the outside aggressors. Among these various advances encryption and firewall and the propelled sensors are required to be introduced so that, the security perspectives could be kept up. References Azmat, M., Schuhmayer, C. what's more, Kummer, S., 2016, May. Development in portability: Austrian master's point of view on the eventual fate of urban versatility with self-driving vehicles. InInnovation Arabia 9: Quality and Business Management Conference (Business Innovation-Imperative for information Economy)(Vol. 9, pp. 142-160). HBMSU Publishing House. Boeglin, J., 2015. The expenses of self-driving vehicles: accommodating opportunity and security with tort risk in self-governing vehicle regulation.Yale JL Tech.,17, p.171. Bojarski, M., Del Testa, D., Dworakowski, D., Firner, B., Flepp, B., Goyal, P., Jackel, L.D., Monfort, M., Muller, U., Zhang, J. furthermore, Zhang, X., 2016. Start to finish learning for self-driving cars.arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.07316. Brett, J.A., 2016.Thinking Local about Self-Driving Cars: A Local Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Development in the United States(Doctoral exposition). Chen, S., Zhang, S., Shang, J., Chen, B. furthermore, Zheng, N., 2017. Cerebrum Inspired Cognitive Model with Attention for Self-Driving Cars.arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05596. Driverless-trucks (2017). The occupations executioner is coming. [online] NewsComAu. Accessible at: executioner is-coming-how-driverless-trucks-could-change-australia/report/4f5b8a42b0452703d62e00f3e7644d7b [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017]. Hee Lee, G., Faundorfer, F. what's more, Pollefeys, M., 2013. Movement estimation for self-driving vehicles with a summed up camera. InProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(pp. 2746-2753). Howard, D. what's more, Dai, D., 2014. Open impression of self-driving vehicles: The instance of Berkeley, California. InTransportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting(Vol. 14, No. 4502). Kohl, C., Mostafa, D., Bhm, M. what's more, Krcmar, H., 2017. Disturbance of Individual Mobility Ahead? A Longitudinal Study of Risk and Benefit Perceptions of Self-Driving Cars on Twitter. Yang, J. what's more, Coughlin, J.F., 20
Components and Features of Central Locking System
Parts and Features of Central Locking System Focal locking The primary capacity of the focal locking framework is controlling access approval consistently yet it likewise should cover the accompanying regions: activation of opening handles or lifting, slowing down and bolting the entryways during shutting activity. The focal locking framework incorporates following parts: - locking bars on the body columns, - entryways, entryway lock instrument and devoted mechanical and electrical parts, - electrical parts required to get to approval office and radio remote control. Contingent upon their area further partitioning being made: - side entryway get together, - trunk get together, - hood get together, Delineation 1: Central locking framework schematic Entryway gathering comprises of catch, pawl and lock. The entryway lock striker is connected to the body column. Under shutting activity the entryway lock striker gets captured by the hook and hold in the shut position and focuses the entryway. The pawl emphatically secures the catch position. This lock condition is naturally prematurely ended when opening methods start. For this procedure the powers following up on inward or external entryway handle are moved to the pawl and cause the catch discharge to open the entryway. The entryway lock striker remains in the position while the catch turns go into a vacant position. For a situation of activity techniques focal locking framework comprises of two sorts of actuators: electromagnetic and pneumatic. Electromagnetic actuators depend on solenoids which bolt or open entryways utilizing flow going in the two bearings (open/shut) through an electric module. On this sort of framework two kinds of plans are being used. Initial one uses separate transfers for every one of activity taking by the framework. One committed to open and another to close the entryway. Them two are constrained by a transistor exchanging the circuit worked by the capacitor (stockpiling for vitality important to work framework) which is discharging current important to actuate the locks. Another sort utilizes two capacitors and two transfers filling in as a couple. One sets is liable for locking and another for opening. At the point when the circuit is shut a current is released from the capacitor and the lock is either opened or shut. Picture Pneumatic actuators are driven by a pneumatic focal unit which controls vacuum/pressure siphon. At the point when vacuum is applied actuators following up on component bolt or open the entryway. The vacuum siphon is driven by electric engine which is working in the two headings. Forward pivot makes a blower activity (entryways open), while in reverse revolution makes vacuum (entryways close). Extremity on the electric engine is changed by a change-over control switch. Picture In most present day vehicles electrical locking framework supplanted mechanical unit because of an interest for quality and dependability. The principle points of interest of electrical locking framework are: - balanced structure, - littler and lighter in contrast with a mechanical unit - just one lock form for every vehicle - exclusively encoding toward the finish of the creation line - entryway handles do not move anymore Other strengthening capacities, similar to an inside light or status marker, can be effectively presented in electrical locking framework on the grounds that the lock is outfitted with gadgets, which can complete these capacities. Interchanges with the locks, power gracefully and security framework happen by means of information can transport framework. Motor immobilizers An immobilizer is an electronic enemy of robbery security gadget which forestalls motor turn over by an unapproved individual except if the right key or coxcomb is put in the start barrel. On the off chance that the right key is utilized, transponder inside the key imparts a sign to the peruser which move sign to the collector (ECU). On the off chance that the sign is perceived by the ECU, the framework permits client to turn over motor. If not the immobilizer impairs not many vehicle frameworks important to turn over the motor: for the most part it is fuel infusion, fuel siphon and start segments. The immobilizer is unequivocally associated with the vehicle security framework, so any unapproved access to the vehicle that is distinguished by the security framework (development identifiers, infra-red sensor, sonic sensor and numerous others, contingent upon the security framework) naturally trigger the immobilizer and some other caution points such a horn and blazing headlights. Vehicle alert can be enacted by infra-red sign created by the coxcomb or a key ring and got by optical detecting unit set some place in the vehicle. Another sort is a radio control framework. Radio wave is made by the coxcomb or the key and got via vehicle reception apparatus frequently a vehicle warmed back window.â In the two models the sign is exceptional for every vehicle and just this one sign is perceived by the ECU. Alert framework utilizes barely any various sorts of sensors to ensure the vehicle: - stun sensor: distinguishing any vehicle second - ultrasonic: vehicle inside is secured by a ultrasonic sign; any adjustment in the quality on the sign example enacts the caution - voltage drop or current channel: any drop of voltage (disengaging the battery) or current channel (by turning on inside light) - infra-red: recognizing any disturbance of the bar transmitted between two focuses within the vehicle - direct earth contact: recognized by the hat, boot and entryway switches when an earth contact occurs Analysis and fix deformity. Make: Vauxhall Model: Vectra B Year: 1999 In the wake of associating focal locking apparatus to the battery I saw that the locking framework doesn't work appropriately. Right off the bat, I checked voltage on the battery, lamentably it was excessively low: - 12v. To redress this I associated the battery to the charger. From that point forward the focal locking framework begins to perform rapidly and appropriately. After a brief time the framework quit working totally. It didnt respond to the vehicle key dandy. To begin with, I checked the battery voltage inside the key. Multimeter indicated the voltage of 3v (battery type-CR2032), which is totally great. I was looking carefully into the key coxcomb for any harm on the electronic circuit or battery holders, however everything was in a legitimate working request. After that I estimated the opposition of every entryway and readings on multimeter were: Nsf-1 ohm, Osf-1 ohm, Nsr-1 ohm, Osr-1 ohm, As per the Autodata all readings coordinated the processing plant extend. To make certain about my discoveries I checked congruity on every one of the entryway and this affirmed my idea that wiring between the entryways and the focal unit is in a decent working request. Last piece of my diagnostics was checking the state of the focal unit itself. Right off the bat, I associated the multimeter to the port No2 and No8 to check voltage moved from the battery to the focal locking unit. Tragically the voltage was 0v. At that point I checked congruity on the wiring between the focal locking unit and the battery. There was no progression by any means. My conclusion: The wiring between the battery and the focal locking unit is faulty.â To amend this the defective wiring should be supplanted. Electrical circuit graph
Saturday, July 11, 2020
How To Choose An Alternative Learning System For Your Essay
How To Choose An Alternative Learning System For Your EssayAre you looking for a great learning system that can teach you how to write a great essay, and not waste your time by wasting your hard earned money by using the traditional method of learning. Well then you are in the right place. This article will give you a look at a few of the alternatives to traditional or conventional method of learning.A lot of online sites offer essay samples. These can be used to compare different essays that are similar in topic. The advantage of these essay samples is that they often come with sample essays that have been written by other students who have taken the course.They may contain some advice for writing an essay, and this may be worth something, if you know how to interpret the writer's experiences. Also there are a lot of free resources out there that can be used to improve your writing skills.The essay samples are a great way to get ideas for your essay. By reading some of the sample es says you can get some ideas on how to write an essay, and it can help you develop a better idea of what sort of essay you should be working on.There are a number of ways you can improve your essay, and the most basic tips involve putting more effort into it. If you want to write an essay that looks as though it was written by someone else, it is important to keep in mind that these lessons should be simple and easy to follow.If you are trying to write an essay on a subject that is new to you, and you are unsure of what to write about, there are many articles on the internet that can give you some pointers on how to approach the problem. There are many free resources that you can find out there, and there are also some that charge you a small fee to use the material.The essay samples should be thought out, and you should be able to follow the basic lessons and make good use of them. The number of times you re-read the essay is very important, because this can help you learn what sort of language or information is important and what the importance of certain terms is.The trick to getting a good, interesting paper out of a test or exam is to practice writing properly. You can use one of the above methods to practice for your essay, and this will enable you to write better essays in future.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Moral Values included in the Association of Computing Machinery Code of Ethics - Free Essay Example
In every profession there is a series of ethical codes that one must follow and abide by to remain morally just and maintain a solid level of professionalism. The computing field follows the Association of Computing Machinery Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The moral values stated in the Case Resolution Model are seen in this list of ethical codes. The moral values emphasized in the Association of Computing Machinery are honesty, commitment, non-maleficence, fairness justice, responsibility, and beneficence. These moral values are needed in order to create a safe, productive, and well-functioning work environment. The first moral value that is addressed in the ACM code of ethics is honesty. Honesty is important in the computer field because it reflects ones professionalism. Computing professionals should be honest about their qualifications, and about any limitations in their competence to complete a task. Computing professionals should be forthright about any circumstances that might lead to either real or perceived conflicts of interest or otherwise tend to undermine the independence of their judgment. Furthermore, commitments should be honored. Computing professionals should not misrepresent an organizations policies or procedures and should not speak on behalf of an organization unless authorized to do so (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). This statement directly from the ACM states the various ways being honest is imperative in the computing profession. It is important to disclose any information about systems, how they work, or potential problems to any people who may b e involved. These people would include coworkers, bosses or managers, and customers. When working, one should be honest about their qualifications and knowledge of the technology they are working with. Lastly, one should be honest about the policies their company has because out on the field, they are representing that organization so their ability to implement policies and procedures correctly is a reflection of the company as a whole. Also under the same section as honesty in the ACM, commitment is a moral value upheld in the code of ethics. The code simply states that commitments should be honored. This is important in this profession because it is critical in remaining professional and creating a productive work environment. In other words, if one is expected to work on a scheduled date and specific time, that commitment should be honored. The next moral value that is reflected in the ACM is non-maleficence and compassion. These values are necessary in creating a safer work environment. The ACM states this as to avoid harm, which is the idea of non-maleficence; it is the intention to prevent harm. Non-maleficence is the prevention of harm which is a crucial moral value in the computing professional world. The ACM code of ethics says, Avoiding harm begins with careful consideration of potential impacts on all those affected by decisions (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). In the computing profession, ones decision can potentially cause harm either intentionally or unintentionally. When working in this profession, one should think about how doing a certain action could affect other people and what harm could be caused, as stated in the quote from the code of ethics. It is crucial to try and take the necessary steps to ensure little to no harm is done. A sub-section under non-maleficence is compassion. Co mpassion is grouped with non-maleficence because there can be non-maleficence with or without compassion. Compassion is the emotional attachment to non-maleficence, and it has more to do with relieving any harm rather than preventing it. The ACM code of ethics states, When that harm is unintended, those responsible are obliged to undo or mitigate the harm as much as possible (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). If there is some harm caused, the ACM states that it must be rectified immediately. In this quote, the person who caused any harm must do whatever they can to relieve the harm that is being done. The third and fourth moral values needed to remain professional in a computing career are fairness and justice. The ACM has a section titled, Be fair and take action not to discriminate. In this section of the code of ethics, one must make sure that technology is accessible to all people regardless of age, race, gender, or financial status. The ACM explains, Technologies and practices should be as inclusive and accessible as possible and computing professionals should take action to avoid creating systems or technologies that disenfranchise or oppress people (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). Fairness is important to remaining professional because it is up to the employee to make sure that technologies are not kept at bay from a certain group of people due to any sort of prejudices. Any sort of discrimination goes against the ACMs code of ethics and therefore does not display any fairness or justice. Responsibility is the next moral value found in the ACMs code of ethics. Responsibility is important in the computing profession for several reasons. High quality computing depends on individuals and teams who take personal and group responsibility for acquiring and maintaining professional competence. Professional competence starts with technical knowledge and with awareness of the social context in which their work may be deployed (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). This statement from the code of ethics shows how responsibility is needed in this field of work because one must be responsible for having a thorough understanding of the technology they are working with. They should also be responsible for knowing how it is applied in the real world. Second, the ACM states, Upgrading skills should be an ongoing process and might include independent study, attending conferences or seminars, and other informal or formal education (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Cond uct, 2018). It is well known that technology is ever changing and evolving, and it is happening incredibly fast. In the professional world, it is important that one continues to keep up with new technology and infrastructures that are being utilized today. The code of ethics believes it is ones personal responsibility to continue to educate themselves on any new information and practices that arise. Finally, Beneficence is the last moral value emphasized in the ACMs code of ethics. Beneficence is similar to non-maleficence; however, the difference is the intentions behind the action. While non-maleficence is the intent to prevent harm, beneficence is the intent to benefit someone. This is an idea brought up several times in the ACM code of ethics. One particular quote that describes this from the ACM says, Peopleincluding users, customers, colleagues, and others affected directly or indirectlyshould always be the central concern in computing. The public good should always be an explicit consideration when evaluating tasks associated with research, requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, validation, deployment, maintenance, retirement, and disposal (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). Here, it is said that people are the most important part of computing professions. The happiness of the public is crucial in the code of ethics. It should be at the f orefront of all decision making. Beneficence is important in creating a safer and productive work environment because all computer work should be done to benefit someone or multiple people. The ACM states that any and all people should be the main focus of any work being done. The computing work is being done to benefit someone, which is why it falls under this category. While all these moral values are stressed in the ACM, there is one value that is not. Loyalty is one moral value that is not emphasized in the ACM. This value is not stressed because it can be difficult to maintain a sense of loyalty to someone or something if it goes against the code of ethics. For example, if one employee sees a coworker that they are friends with violating a policy, they are obligated to report it to a supervisor. This employee may feel conflicted because while they know it goes against the codes policy of honesty, they want to remain loyal to their friend. The right thing to do is to report their coworker and put the company above their loyalty to their friend. Under section 1.2, titled Avoid Harm, the code states, A computing professional has an additional obligation to report any signs of system risks that might result in harm. If leaders do not act to curtail or mitigate such risks, it may be necessary to blow the whistle to reduce potential harm (ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). Like the code states as well as the hypothetical scenario described, it is sometimes necessary to speak up or against something or someone in order to prevent a bigger problem, which is why loyalty is not one of the moral values emphasized in the code of ethics. When the right moral values are introduced and upheld by each and every employee, they maintain a state of professionalism These values include; honesty, commitment, non-maleficence, fairness justice, responsibility, and beneficence. When these moral values are working in harmony, it ensures a better work experience for both employees and clients. The values that are listed in the Association of Computing Machinery Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct are the moral values necessary to remain professional and create a safe, productive, and well-functioning work environment.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Plutonic Rocks Definition and Examples
Plutonic rocks are igneous rocks that solidified from a melt at great depth. Magma rises, bringing minerals and precious metals such as gold, silver, molybdenum, and lead with it, forcing its way into older rocks. It cools slowly (tens of thousands of years or longer), underneath Earths crust, which allows the individual crystals to grow large by coalescing, like with like; thus, plutonic rock is coarse-grained rock. The rock is later exposed by erosion. A large body of this type of rock is called a pluton. Hundreds of miles of plutonic rock are batholiths. What Does "Plutonic" Mean? The name plutonic refers to Pluto, Roman god of wealth and the underworld; plutos origins also come from wealth, or rich one, which could refer to the precious metals present in the Earth and in rocks. Gold and silver are found in veins in plutonic rocks, which are formed from the intrusions of the magma. In contrast, volcanic rocks are formed by magma above ground. Their crystals are evident only through an examination under a microscope. The dwarf planet Pluto, however, is mostly ice made up of frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide, though it may have a rocky core that contains some metals. How to Identify The main way to tell a plutonic rock is that its made of tightly packed mineral grains of medium size (1 to 5 mm) or larger, which means that it has phaneritic texture. In addition, the grains are of roughly equal size, meaning that it has an equigranular or granular texture. Finally, the rock is holocrystallineâ€â€every bit of mineral matter is in a crystalline form, and there is no glassy fraction. In a word, typical plutonic rocks look like granite. In fact, producers of building stone classify all plutonic rocks as commercial granite. The Most Common Rocks on Earth Plutonic rocks are the most common rocks on Earth and form the basis of our continents and roots of our mountain ranges. The large mineral grains in plutonic rocks dont generally have well-formed crystals because they grew crowded togetherâ€â€that is, they are anhedral. An igneous rock from a shallower depth (with grains smaller than 1 mm, but not microscopic) may be classified as intrusive (or hypabyssal), if theres evidence that it never erupted onto the surface, or extrusive if it did erupt. As an example, a rock with the same composition could be called ​gabbro if it were plutonic, diabase if it were intrusive, or basalt if it were extrusive. Whereas plutonic rocks form continents, basalt lies in the crust underneath the oceans. There Are About a Dozen Major Types The name for a particular plutonic rock depends on the mix of minerals in it. There are about a dozen major plutonic rock types and many more less common ones. In ascending order, four types include gabbro (dark in color, not much silica), diorite (an intermediate amount of silica), granite (68 percent silica), and pegmatite. Types are classified according to various triangular diagrams, starting with one based on the content of quartz (which is pure silica) and the two types of feldspar (which is quartz with impurities).
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Brief Note On The American Civil War - 920 Words
One consequence of the American Civil war is that it was the largest catastrophe in American history. â€Å"Approximately one in four soldiers that went to war never returned home.†There weren’t any cemeteries, burial details or messengers of loss. The army didn’t have the mechanisms needed to handle the amount of deaths the nation was gonna experience. It was the bloodiest conflict and there had been an unprecedented violence of battles such as Gettysburg, Shiloh and Antietam. â€Å"The Civil war was America’s costliest war, with 623,000 dead, with approximately 33,000 from Pennsylvania.†The wounded individuals were amputees that struggled to overcome the perceptions of disabled as less than members of society. There was a lot of diseases during the civil war. â€Å"The worst out the bunch was by far Dysentery.†It had gotten around 45,00 deaths in the union army and 50,000 in the Confederate army. Contaminated water had caused the diseas e. In those days, hygiene wasn’t a big issue. Another major killer was typhoid. This was also a result of contaminated water or food. It had killed 30,000 confederate and 35,00 union troops. Another consequence during the civil war was the economy. â€Å"Of all the disadvantages the Confederacy experienced during the Civil War, its lack of a sound currency was particularly damaging.†There was limited resources available with more than $1 million in hard currency or specie which the confederacy relied mainly on for printed money. It went down rapidly inShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The American Civil War1540 Words  | 7 Pages The American Civil War is the bloodiest war in American history, claiming the lives of 720,00 solider and an indeterminable number of civilians. But these four years were a larger battle for survival against a third unseen enemy: disease. A battle that took two out of three soldiers from disease; most commonly pneumonia, dysentery, typhoid, tuberculosis, smallpox and malaria. Malaria was a constant threat to humans in all places with infected mosquitos. As seen in a census map of 1874,Read MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1203 Words  | 5 Pagesan amusing apology to your husband, a well-known writer and Civil War afficionado, for your previous lack of appreciation for his passion. Although you say you’re not sure â€Å"when or where†it happened, would you talk a bit about your change of heart and what led to your new and profound interest in the American Civil War and eventually to the writing of March? In the early 1990s we came to live in a small Virginia village where Civil War history is all around us. There are bullet scars on the bricksRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1521 Words  | 7 Pages101 19 April 2017 Civil War The American Civil War, that took place from 1861 to 1865, marked one of the most important changes in American history, it was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. A total of even southern states that left the Union to form their own country in order to protect the institution of slavery. The Civil War transformed the country’s economy, politics, women, African Americans, along with major breakthroughs in technology. The war increased northernRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1375 Words  | 6 PagesCollege European Involvement in the Civil War Jillisa Halverson History 151 Instructor: Dan Anderson December 5, 2015 The American Civil War represents a significant period in United States history. In this essay we will explore foreign involvement in the Civil War. We will specifically look at the roles of France and Great Britain played and how they used military positioning in Canada and off the US coast to affect the war. Finally, we will look at which foreign entitiesRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War2196 Words  | 9 PagesAmerican Civil War The American civil war that majorly involved wars amongst states took place between 1861 and 1865.The union was a term used at the Civil War in America with reference to the federal government of the U.S. The federal state was backed up by five border slave states and twenty free states. It, however, received opposition from the southern slave states that had decided to secede and join to form a confederacy. The civil war was, thus, between the North, which was referred toRead MoreA Brief Note On Sectionalism And The American Civil War1883 Words  | 8 PagesSectionalism, in it’s earliest American state was found in the early 1800’s. Tensions were high during this time, with Slavery becoming a much more Sectional issue. The South claimed Slavery a Necessary Evil, and that without it, the South’s economy would collapse. Many in the South believed it was a positive thing, providing slaves with shelter, food, and many cases, religion. On the opposite side, many northerners called for Abolition, or, the end of slavery (â€Å"Course Notes, Sectionalism and Slavery†)Read MoreCauses of the American Civil War Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesThe Civil War was caused by a myriad of conflicting pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by sectional differences and pride, and set into motion by a most unlikely set of political events. From the colonial period in America where the institution of slavery began, through the period of the revolution whereby blood was shed to validate the notion that all men were created equal (yet slavery existed in all thirteen colonies), to the era of the Civil War itself, it is undoubtedly clear thatRead MoreHalf Slave And Half Free Essay1277 Words  | 6 Pageseruption of the Civil War. According to Levine, tension arose due to conflicting interests in the depths of the free-labor based economy of the North and the slave-labor based economy of the South which boiled up to a point that led the newly formed nation to a civil war. Levine starts off by giving a brief history of slavery and shifts to discussing the way in which it revolutionized the economy of America, and the role that it conveyed in the conflicts leading up to the Civil War. Slavery was crucialRead More Dorothea Dix Essay946 Words  | 4 PagesDix’s beliefs in to context. One of the links is to Notable American Unitarians and further directs the reader to biographies for people such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Linus Pauling, Adlai Stevenson, e.e. cummings and Pete Seeger. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; This website for the American Nursing Association gives a very brief overview of Dix, relating to her induction into the ANA Hall of Fame in 1976. It notes that although she had no formal nursing training, she wasRead MorePresident Abraham Lincoln Delivered One Of The Most Famous Speeches1698 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 19, 1863 was the day when at the time President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in the American History. Lincolns brief but was powerful, Gettysburg Address described the United States as being a pivotal crossroads. While Lincoln credited with creating the â€Å"Government of the People, by the people,†it was really for the older countries. A while after Lincoln was invited to make a few remarks at a ceremony consecrating a new cemetery for the Union Soldiers. That
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Communications Essay - 1968 Words
Freedom of speech is a right of individuals as they possess their own free will. Because of their free will, individuals have expressed their thoughts, desires, and aspirations through the mass media. Communicating freely with other affirms the dignity and worth of each and every member of society. Communication remains Gods great gift to humanity without which we cannot be truly human, reflecting Gods image. Freedom of expression is essential in the attainment and advancement of knowledge. Communication brings forth various ideas and information. People today are better informed and more enlightened thanks to thriving press freedom and expanding mass media here and in many parts of the world. All points of view are represented in the†¦show more content†¦It backstabs, destroys images and reputations, covers up the truth, stimulates negatively, and imparts the wrong messages. There are so many examples of negative media coverage such as â€Å"Watergate†. Media portrays black folk in such negative stereotypes that people in other coutrieds perceive blacks as pimps, and hustlers as well as crooks and low-lifes. Moreover, people experience a freedom of the press that becomes an avalanche of conflicting information and opinion. It is a freedom that is often misleading. It confuses even as it is supposed to enlighten, it assails the senses even as it is supposed to refine them, it entertains more than it enlightens, it gossips more than it informs. The right to freedom of expression is being severely tested today as artistic expression is under attack, as some groups seek to impose their morality on the rest of society. Thus, media has become morally and creatively bankrupt. Media shows no values and moral ethics and the content is filled with no other topic but violence and sex. Consequently, media mirrors society by reflecting it as a society with low morals, with crime, sex, and pornography. It contributes to the national breakdown and the moral degradation of society. It has corrupted and exploited the freedom of the press. Again, this must cease! Media teaches by means of vibrations and images that leave a greater effect on the youth. People become victims ofShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Communication : Communication And Communication1345 Words  | 6 PagesHANDBOOK UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION TYPES OF COMMUNICATION METHODS OF COMMUNICATION INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION STYLES COMMUNICATION STYLES COMMUNICATION ROADBLOCKS HOW TO OVERCOME COMMUNICATION ROADBLOCKS THE DO’S AND DO NOT’S OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION HOW TO LISTEN EFFECTIVELY CONTENT PERTINENT TO SPORT STUDIES SYLLABUS SHELL PORTFOLIO EXIT EXAM STUDY GUIDES 3 AND 4 YEAR PLANS FOR MAJORS WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PURPOSE OF THE COMMUNICATION HANDBOOK TheRead MoreCommunication Is The Science Of Communication1066 Words  | 5 PagesCommunication is important to strive in life, as well as, in integrated marketing communication. Human communication is described as having the creativity to contribute instead of the information. Creativity can help by making more efficiently with less. In a way, an individual has a collection of discoveries at their disposal (Downs, 1298). Mass communication plays a role in design. Moreover, mass communication and its activities are influenced by cybernetics. Cybernetics is the science of communicationRead MoreCommunication As A Communication Tool1043 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction to the Topic The assigned reading for forum 5 discussed interpersonal and organizational communication channels in the workplace. The different types of communication are oral communication, formal written communication, non-verbal communication, and presentations. Satterlee (2013) shows the communication process to involve a sender, a receiver, meaning, encoding, the message transmittal, a channel, decoding, interpreting, and feedback. A successful leader will be able to communicateRead MoreCommunication and Personality in Communication1434 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: COMMUNICATION AND PERSONALITY IN NEGOTIATION PAPER Communication and Personality in Negotiation Paper MGT/445 University of Phoenix Communication and Personality in Negotiation Paper Negotiation can take place anywhere and at anytime. Negotiations can take place at home, at work, with family members, with friends, and co-workers. â€Å"Negotiation is a process by which we attempt to influence others to help us achieve our needs while at the same time takingRead MoreReflection Of Communication And Communication1152 Words  | 5 Pages The first resources that I’ve learned from this course are using the multiple job websites online, we’ve had excellent communication between classmates on how we can benefit from using these sites out and look for specific jobs in our area. This will assist in work as a counselor because it will help in my networking about the city I currently work in and learning about how to make my resume stick out. The second fact that I’ve learned in this course is finding balance in your life so that youRead MoreCommunication Is The Language Of Communication1473 Words  | 6 Pagessaid, â€Å"The art of com munication is the language of leadership.†Communication is essential to business as well as interpersonal relationships. The ability to express oneself with coherence and cogency is of the utmost importance to your professional and personal success. Effective communication solves and also prevents problems. Think back to all those times you endured a conflict with a person or institution as a result of poor communication or a complete lack of communication. When people are notRead MoreInterpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication And Communication1699 Words  | 7 PagesMy friend Vikas, told me everything he had to do and the struggles he conquered in order to make his own successful business here in the U.S. Some things he told be reminded me of interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, and intracultural communication. He had to have a lot of communication with his friend who also happened to be from India and some new friends and colleagues he met through his journey. Of course there was homesickness and the occasional depression, but that didn’tRead MoreQuestions On Communication And Communication1815 Words  | 8 Pages1. Analysis 1.1 Communication Talking about communication involves talking about the identity of the person talking as a communicative being therefore about his right to communicate. In other words, for every subject speaking, the question is to know whether or not it makes sense for them to do so. If not, they would not exist as a subject. Sometimes norms, more or less institutionalized, help answering that question: for example, a lecturer presented as so in a conference finds himself entitledRead MoreVerbal Communication And Written Communication1201 Words  | 5 PagesThere are 2 types of communication that will be discussed below, which are verbal communication and written communication 2.3.1 Verbal communication Verbal communication exchange their information between different people by communicating orally. The examples of verbal communication would include face-to-face conversation, meetings, interviews, conferences, speeches and phone calls. Verbal communication allows us to exchange ideas, understand the difference in perception and come out with resolutionRead MoreCommunication : Achieving Communication Excellence876 Words  | 4 PagesCommunication excellence happens when an organization or association uses communication to manage its interactions with its different stakeholders to realize the goals of the organization accomplish mutual understanding and serve the interest of the public. Research has shown that achieving communication excellence helps people and not just organizations acquire their set objectives and goals. The capability to be able to communicate well is a necessary life skill. Fortunately, this skill can be
A Brief Note On The World Of A Big World - 1286 Words
Rachhpal Singh 12/10/15 Eng. 125 Mr. Jordan Dakin Really Small Thing in a Big World With the boom of modern technology in the late 19th century it has only grown from helping human like through medical innovations to bringing the worst of humanity in the time of war like weaponing tear gas by the French then poison gas by Germany in World War 1. This has not been the first advances in technology. Railroad made transporting large quantity of products from one states to the others faster. Telegrams and telephones made it easier to communicate over large areas in very short time. And then came the internet which tore down all borders and shrunk the world into a new state where a person could communicate with another siting in other country†¦show more content†¦Nanotechnology can revolutionize the world in the fields of medicine, environment, technology, etc. In â€Å"Nanotechnology Could Alleviate Many of the Problems of the Developing World†Heller, Jacob, and Christine Peterson stated that â€Å"A Paper by Fabio Sala mance-Buentello et al. founded that nanotechnology could be applied to attain at least five of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG).†United Nations Millennium Development Goals are as followed: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combating HIV and AIDs, malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a Global Partnership for development. Photovoltaic cells based on quantum dot technology, nanocrystals for hydrogen creation and the production of hydrogen storage systems based on carbon nanotubes would significantly improve environmentally sustainable development (Heller, Jacob, and Christine Peterson). â€Å"Although hydrogen is an alternative to fossil fuels, it formation, storage and conversion to electricity as facing technological challenges. However, in the use of water as a renewable resource to produce hydrogen, the uses of nanocphoto catalysts have shown promise.,†argued Karunaratne,
Pathophysiologic Cascades in Ischemic Stroke -
Question: Discuss about the Pathophysiologic Cascades in Ischemic Stroke. Answer: Introduction: Stroke refers to the medical condition characterized by poor blood flow to the brain, eventually resulting in death of the brain cells. According to research studies, stroke can be defined as a neurological deficit that occurs due to cerebrovascular incidents, and persists beyond 24 hours (Jauch et al. 2013). At times, such incidents can get interrupted due to death within the time frame. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the medical term commonly used for stroke. Rupture or blockage of a blood vessel results in disruption of blood flow to a part of the brain. This directly creates a deficiency of oxygen in brain cells and leads to their immediate death (Andrade et al. 2012). Hindered blood supply to the neuronal tissues often lead to an extraordinary injury to the brain functions. This essay will focus on a case study of a 75 year-old widow, Ms. Greta Balodis, following her deterioration in health and diagnosis of CVA. Pathophysiology of cerebrovascular accident- Stroke is generally divided into two categories namely, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. An analysis of the case study suggests that the patient Greta suffered from a possible ischemic attack in the year 2012. Ischemic stroke generally occurs due to loss of blood supply to a part of the brain, thereby initiating an ischemic cascade. Deprivation oxygen in the brain cells for more than 60- 90 seconds are found to exert damaging effects and irreversible injuries in the patient after three hours. A similar incident probably occurred in the patient where oxygen deprivation led to infarction in her brain (Xing et al. 2012). Furthermore, disruption of blood supply occurs due to narrowing the blood vessel lumen and results in blood flow reduction. This in turn results in blood clot formation in the vessels. Disintegration of atherosclerotic plaques are also found responsible for emboli release. Occurrence of CVA in the patient can be correl ated to embolic infarction that might have occurred due to emboli formation in the heart due to atrial fibrillation (Palm et al. 2012). Research evidences suggest that emboli from the carotid arteries or the heart are found to break off and enter the bloodstream through cerebral circulation, thereby lodging in and blocking the blood vessels in the brain (Bailey et al. 2012). The fact that she suffers from hypertension can also be linked to the pathophysiology of stroke. High blood pressure is found to damage the arteries present throughout the body, thereby creating conditions that result in their bursting or clogging. Such weakened arteries present in the human brain increased the likelihood of the patient to suffer from stroke (Wang et al. 2013). Blockage of blood vessels in the brain resulted in subsequent energy deprivation, which in turn made the brain resort to adopting an anaerobic metabolism pathwayswithin the regions containing affected brain tissues. According to evidences such anaerobic metabolism is found to produce lessATP (Ji et al. 2013). However, this results in accumulation oflactic acid. Depletion of oxygen or glucose in the brain are directly responsible for release of glutamate, the excitatory neurotransmitter. Further pathophysiology mechanism of the CVA suffered by Greta can be linked to producted of reactive oxygen species and oxygen free radicals that damage the endothelium of the blood vessels, and trigger an ischemic cascade (Rodrigo et al. 2013). In addition to causing potential damage to the brain tissues, infarction and ischemia can also be thought responsible for loss of neuronal structural integrity, facilitated by matrix metalloprotease release. On the other hand, hemorrhagic strokes most commonly occur due to ruptured aneurysm, prior ischemic formation, and hypertensive hemorrhage. Previous history of TIA in the patient might have resulted in injury of the brain tissue, thereby leading to their compression from an expanding hematoma (Aggarwal et al. 2012). This pressure is also responsible for disrupting blood supply to the affected parts of the brain, with subsequent infarction. Thus, the blood released from the part where hemorrhage occurred might have created toxic effecrs on vasculature and the brain structure (Zis et al. 2013). Greta was reported to suffer from three fall related incidents in the past six months. This can be established by the fact that seizures are regarded as signs of brain injury and occur due t o sudden disorganization of electrical activity in the brain (Cook et al. 2015). The fact that the patient had previous history of TIA suggests that these might have resulted in the cells emit busts of energy and result in unintentional body movements, and short periods of unconsciousness. Explanation of signs and symptoms- The two common signs and symptoms presented by the patient Greta Balodis include left sided hemiplegia and resolving dysphagia. Hemiplegia refers to a type of paralysis that affects a particular side of the body, often reported to affect one arm and one leg. The symptoms occasionally are found to extend till the torso. Failure of the brain to send, produce or interpret necessary signals, as a subsequent result of any disease or damage to the brain tissues are found to be the underlying factors that govern this condition. Presence of this symptom in the patient can be related to the fact that strokes, transient ischemic attacks and brain aneurysm or hemorrhages are found to directly result in paralysis (Sin and Lee 2013). Insufficient blood supply to parts of the right cerebral hemisphere is found to result in disruption of its function, thereby resulting in left sided hemiplegia in the patient. Most common signs of this condition are associated with difficulty in walking, loss of balance, impaired ability to grasp, muscle fatigue and reduction in movement precision (Sasaki et al. 2013). Therefore, injury to parts of the right hemisphere that controls body movements resulted in Gretas inability to control voluntary movement of the muscles present on the left arm and legs. It can further lead to muscle spasticity and make her more vulnerable to suffering from seizures and subsequent falls. Dysphagia refers to the medical condition that results in difficulty in swallowing food. Greta also reported symptoms of dysphagia, following her stay at the stroke rehabilitation facility. This suggests that the patient takes more time and effort for moving food or any fluids from the mouth to the stomach. This difficulty in swallowing is usually a result of muscular problems. Oral dysphagia or high dysphagia results in weakness of the tongue following experience of a stroke, which in turn creates difficulties in transporting food along the mouth. Lack of oxygen, in specific regions of the brain, results in death of neuronal cells and tissues, due to reduced blood flow (Daniels, Anderson and Willson 2012). Death of cells that are responsible for governing the process of food swallowing can directly lead to this condition. Thus, sudden neurological damage due to cerebrovascular accident might make it difficult for Greta to move food particles into the throat. This would make her gag, choke or cough while swallowing. Her old age can also be considered as a major risk factor for this presenting symptom. Further complications may also arise in the patient such as, pneumonia, aspiration, dehydration and sudden weight loss (Crary et al. 2013). To conclude, it can be stated that previous history of TIA made the patient at an increased likelihood of suffering from cerebrovascular accidents. Thus, strokes are major debilitating and life threatening conditions that occur with little warning. The patient Greta suffered from a CVA due to interruption of blood supply to parts of her brain. This further resulted in paralysis on the left side of her body and subsequent difficulty to swallow food. Thus, in addition to pharmacological intervention, efforts must be taken to restore her mobility. This can be brought about by engaging her in physical therapies and occupational therapy. Support from her daughter and other family members is crucial for providing her a comfortable environment after stroke. This will enhance her overall health and wellbeing and improve her health related quality of life. References Aggarwal, A., Gupta, A., Kumar, S., Baumblatt, J.A., Pauwaa, S., Gallagher, C., Treitman, A., Pappas, P., Tatooles, A. and Bhat, G., 2012. Are blood stream infections associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke in patients with a left ventricular assist device?.ASAIO Journal,58(5), pp.509-513. Andrade, S.E., Harrold, L.R., Tjia, J., Cutrona, S.L., Saczynski, J.S., Dodd, K.S., Goldberg, R.J. and Gurwitz, J.H., 2012. A systematic review of validated methods for identifying cerebrovascular accident or transient ischemic attack using administrative data.Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety,21(S1), pp.100-128. Bailey, E.L., Smith, C., Sudlow, C.L. and Wardlaw, J.M., 2012. Pathology of lacunar ischemic stroke in humansa systematic review.Brain Pathology,22(5), pp.583-591. Cook, M., Baker, N., Lanes, S., Bullock, R., Wentworth, C. and Arrighi, H.M., 2015. Incidence of stroke and seizure in Alzheimer's disease dementia.Age and ageing,44(4), pp.695-699. Crary, M.A., Humphrey, J.L., Carnaby-Mann, G., Sambandam, R., Miller, L. and Silliman, S., 2013. Dysphagia, nutrition, and hydration in ischemic stroke patients at admission and discharge from acute care.Dysphagia,28(1), pp.69-76. Daniels, S.K., Anderson, J.A. and Willson, P.C., 2012. Valid items for screening dysphagia risk in patients with stroke: a systematic review.Stroke,43(3), pp.892-897. Jauch, E.C., Saver, J.L., Adams, H.P., Bruno, A., Demaerschalk, B.M., Khatri, P., McMullan, P.W., Qureshi, A.I., Rosenfield, K., Scott, P.A. and Summers, D.R., 2013. Guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.Stroke,44(3), pp.870-947. Ji, R., Schwamm, L.H., Pervez, M.A. and Singhal, A.B., 2013. Ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack in young adults: risk factors, diagnostic yield, neuroimaging, and thrombolysis.JAMA neurology,70(1), pp.51-57. Palm, F., Urbanek, C., Wolf, J., Buggle, F., Kleemann, T., Hennerici, M.G., Inselmann, G., Hagar, M., Safer, A., Becher, H. and Grau, A.J., 2012. Etiology, risk factors and sex differences in ischemic stroke in the Ludwigshafen Stroke Study, a population-based stroke registry.Cerebrovascular diseases,33(1), pp.69-75. Rodrigo, R., Fernndez-Gajardo, R., Gutirrez, R., Manuel Matamala, J., Carrasco, R., Miranda-Merchak, A. and Feuerhake, W., 2013. Oxidative stress and pathophysiology of ischemic stroke: novel therapeutic opportunities.CNS Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS Neurological Disorders),12(5), pp.698-714. Sasaki, N., Mizutani, S., Kakuda, W. and Abo, M., 2013. Comparison of the effects of high-and low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on upper limb hemiparesis in the early phase of stroke.Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases,22(4), pp.413-418. Sin, H. and Lee, G., 2013. Additional virtual reality training using Xbox Kinect in stroke survivors with hemiplegia.American Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation,92(10), pp.871-880. Wang, Y., Xu, J., Zhao, X., Wang, D., Wang, C., Liu, L., Wang, A., Meng, X., Li, H. and Wang, Y., 2013. Association of hypertension with stroke recurrence depends on ischemic stroke subtype.Stroke,44(5), pp.1232-1237. Xing, C., Arai, K., Lo, E.H. and Hommel, M., 2012. Pathophysiologic cascades in ischemic stroke.International Journal of Stroke,7(5), pp.378-385. Zis, P., Vemmos, K., Spengos, K., Manios, E., Zis, V., Dimopoulos, M.A. and Zakopoulos, N., 2013. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in acute stroke: pathophysiology of the time rate of blood pressure variation and association with the 1-year outcome.Blood pressure monitoring,18(2), pp.94-100.
Should women work after marriage free essay sample
A good relationship between husband and wife depends on the level of mutual respect they have for each other. This means never taking each other for granted or simply expecting certain things for each other without asking or having a discussion around roles. For example in a relationship, the husband automatically expects the wife to know where his clean shirts are or assumes that all housework or duties pertaining to the childrens needs are specially the wifes domain. This is a portrayal of a bad marriage. A good relationship relies on teamwork and sharing responsibilities equally not leaving one person in charge of everything. Likewise, the burden or problems in a relationship should be overcomed together, which leads me to my point that working women in a marriage is significant. When a married woman takes up a job, it gives her a much-needed sense of independence and self-reliance. Disconcertingly, some men object to their wives taking up jobs because it reflects on his ability to maintain the family or affect adversely his sense of respectability . We will write a custom essay sample on Should women work after marriage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Working outside the home helps in the growth of personality and provides an opportunity of self-expression. Furthermore, the experience of work stress imposed occasionally on the wife at her work place would give her an idea and gauge of the stress that her husband could be dealing with, allowing the two to be more understanding and supportive of each other. This would benefit both individual as they would learn to compromise and subsequently, making their marriage last. Unfortunately, tradition has defined the role of a woman as a mother and as a wife and many women grow up to think that their sole duty lies within the house but in the present day circumstances this is no longer practicable. Significantly in Singapore, inflation is a thorny issue for many and many lament the high cost of living. Besides economic help which a working woman provides, there is an extra dimension to her character which makes her a better wife and mother. Also because a working woman comes into contact with the outer world and is likely to have wider interest, she can help to create a healthy atmosphere at home. With her increased knowledge and better understanding she can also make a better mother. The general knowledge and experience she learns from working outside home will stretch her capabilities and mind, widening her imaginations and moulding the idealistic mother in her. Women need jobs as much as men for a well-organized home does not need the housewifes presence the whole day long and children also grow up, go out to school and later to work and they get married, thus leaving a big gap in the mothers home. Staying at home the whole day and going grocery shopping every so often on a daily basis will only bore any person who does it every day! This is where work comes in as an advantage because only then will the wife meet new people and interact and at the same time, still be able to manage her time to juggle family time and work. This question, however, has an important aspect to it: taking up a job means spending time away from home and may thus interfere with the smooth running of a household and the upbringing of children. Firstly, woman tend to take on so much because they are engraved with this passive attitude to help and care, helping her family out financially is just another way they are taking care of their spouse and children. Most moms continue to come home to help children with their studies, fix their beds, and make sure they are in bed to be up the next morning for school. And if she happens to run late from work one night, why cant the father help? It takes two to make a child, so to be fair, the father has to help out with the bringing up of his children too. Women are not robots or slaves that are meant to do the same work day in and day out. Cooking and cleaning and taking care of the family is a repeated job that all woman step up and do. Taking up a career after marriage will benefit both the husband and wife in terms of income stability, and allow the wife to explore and continue to learn new things, not be trapped at home. Marriage should not stop you from working, in fact, it should spur you to take up the challenge to manage time well to achieve a successful career and a happy family. Hence, I strongly believe in my stand that women should work after marriage.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Mapp V Ohio Essay Example
Mapp V Ohio Essay Mapp petition for a writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court for the appreal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. Statement of key Issues: 1) was the search of Mapps home a violation of the fourth amendment? 2) Was the evidence used against Mapps in court illegal? Facts: On May 23, 1957, three Cleveland police officers arrived at Mapps Home to ask them questions pertaining to someone hiding out in their home, which was wanted for questioning in a connection to a recent bombing. The officers knocked on Miss Mapps door and demanded entrance into her home, after Mapps denied the officers request; the officers would return 3 hours later with more officer’s demanding entrance into the apartment. The officers broke into the home of Mapp by using a forcible entry. Mapps demanded to see the search Warrant, one of the officers showed her the warrant, but Mapps grabbed it and put it between her bosoms. The officers recovered the warrant and handcuffed Mapp. One of the officers grabbed her and twisted her hand. Once handcuffed the officers took Mapp upstairs and search her dresser, a chest of drawers, a closet and some suitcases. The officers also looked through her personal papers and photo albums. The officers continued to search the rest of the house with Mapps still handcuffed. At the trial, no search warrant was produced by the prosecution. The Ohio Supreme Court believed that the evidence was not taken from Mapps based by the use of a brutal or offensive physical force against the defendant. Decision:1) The search and entry into Mapps home was unconstitional because the police failed to show the warrant before they entered Mapps Home. ) The court had determined that the federal government may not use such evidence due to the exclusionary rule which forbids evidence gathered illegally to be admissible in court. Judgemnt: The Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Mapp with a 6-3 vote. The court stated that the exclusionary rule also applies to states, meaning that states cannot use evidence g ained by illegal means to convict someone. Concurring Opinion: Justice Black states â€Å"that the Fourth Amendment alone can be used to prevent illegally obtained evidence from being used in state courts because it is not explicitly stated†. We will write a custom essay sample on Mapp V Ohio specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mapp V Ohio specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mapp V Ohio specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Dissenting Opinion: Justice Harlan stated â€Å"In overruling the Wolf case, the Court, in my opinion, has forgotten the sense of judicial restraint which, with due regard for stare decisis, is one element that should enter into deciding whether a past decision of this Court should be overruled. Apart from that, I also believe that the Wolf rule represents sounder Constitutional doctrine than the new rule which now replaces it†. Principle of Law: The exclusionary rules stated that evidence must not be illegal to convict someone in court. Mapp V. Ohio would also replace the Wolf rule.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Sample Essay Transitions in the Hooked on Phonics Series
Sample Essay Transitions in the 'Hooked on Phonics' SeriesA sample essay transition from 'Hooked on Phonics' is available for purchase at Owl's Foot Press. This sample essay introduces the first of several sample essays that examine how transitions between passages are used in a variety of formats. A sample transition helps readers learn how to use transitions between multiple-choice sections, written and essay sections, and traditional essay formats.A sample essay also provides examples of how transitions are used in the pages of an instructional book about teaching phonics. Students can learn the benefits of transitions, including their role in separating large chunks of material into small and easily-understood bits.The 'Hooked on Phonics' series was developed as a way to teach students phonics education. Students learn how to read through rhymes and easy phrases in an easy-to-use format. The series includes several sample essays that help readers learn how to make effective trans itions between paragraphs.The stories included in 'Hooked on Phonics' were adapted from stories that the author, Michael Olson, was already familiar with. Michael provided samples of these passages so that readers could see how transitions between paragraphs were used. Readers learned to use transitions to guide their understanding of the piece.For example, one of the sample essays in the 'Hooked on Phonics' series was based on the story of Samson and Delilah. The transitions in this passage use rhyming to help readers learn how to differentiate between each line. The transitions emphasize lines that contain a certain kind of rhyme.Another example of transition in 'Hooked on Phonics' is a story that explains how to use transitions between essay paragraphs. The transition helps readers to separate different sections of a single paragraph, and also illustrates how transitions between essay paragraphs are generally used in all styles of writing. The sample essay uses transitions betwee n paragraphs to indicate that readers can move between passages in different ways.A sample essay from 'Hooked on Phonics' shows how to use transitions between several different styles of writing. Using a style from the series, students learn how to incorporate transitions between paragraphs into paragraphs of all types of writing.'Hooked on Phonics' serves as a tool for teaching children how to read. When used as a guide to help students develop transitions between paragraphs, the series teaches skills that adults can use as well. Students can learn the benefits of transitions and how to use them in different types of styles of writing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Blood Pressure The A ffects of Physical Activity o Essays
Blood Pressure The A ffects of Physical Activity o Essays Blood Pressure The A ffects of Physical Activity on Blood Pressure Introduction The heart is a muscle that pumps blood into the body ' s organs and tissues. Blood is pumped out of the left side of the heart into the arteries - the blood vessels that carry the blood ' s oxygen and nutrients to your body. As the blood pumps out of the heart and into the arteries, it pushes against the artery walls. Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure of the blood in the artery. Blood pressure measurements consist of two numbers. The first figure is the systolic pressure and it measures the blood pressure while your heart is contracting, this can be described as the surge of pressure in the arteries as the heart beats and pumps out of the ventricle. The second number is the diastolic pressure, this measures the pressure between heartbeats when the heart is relaxed, it is the lower number in the measurement. The purpose of this investi gation will determine the affects of a person ' s blood pressure after aerobic exercises. In this case, aerobic exercise is defined as star jumps performed for a duration of 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes with 5 minutes of resting time in-between. Blood pressure is measured immediately after each activity. Hypothesis If the intensity of exercise increases, then diastolic and systolic blood pressure will increase. The independent variables Intensity of exercise. The dependent variable The diastolic and systolic blood pressure (mmHG) Constant Variables Location - Performing the activity in the same location (school gym) as temperature can influence blood pressure. Constant Variables Continued Star jumps - Using the same technique and keeping the speed constant for each activity phase (please refer to Appendix 1). Participants - Keeping the same participant to perform the same task repeatedly and changing the time of the activity. Rest time - Allows blood pressure and body temperature to return to normal. Equipment used - Ensuring that the same measuring machine is used to avoid any errors or faults that can occur during the experiment. Materials Appropriate attire to carry out activity Marker and note book Timer Sphygmomanometer, Omron digital blood pressure monitor . Procedure Refer to the Procedures Manual for the correct operation and measurement of blood pressure with the digital sphygmomanometer. (A ppendix 2 ) Refer to the instructions, How to Perform Star Jumps. ( Appendix 1 ) Take the resting blood pressure and record in table Start the timer and perform star jumps for 1 minute and stop after time is up Take the blood pressure immediately after and record in the table Rest for a period of 5 minutes Start the timer and perform star jumps for 2 minutes and stop after ti me is up Take the blood pressure immediately after and record in the table Rest for a period of 5 minutes Start the timer and perform star jumps for 3 minutes Take the blood pressure immediately after and record in the table Repeat the steps from 1 - 11 for Person B C Results Table 1. The effect of aerobic exercise intensity on blood pressure (Systolic BP/Diastolic BP (BPM)) *Blood pressure, post activity star-jumps Person Resting BP (mmHG) BP 1 Min* (mmHG) BP 2 Mins* (mmHG) BP 3 Mins* (BPM) A Female, Active, 55kg 130/78 (57) 142/68 (96) 148/123 (142) 153/95 (107) B Male, Semi-Active 60kg 127/88 (80) 139/125 (116) 141/103 (129) 134 /78 (125) C Female, Non-Active, 55kg 105/75 (54) 127/74 (65) 139/95 (63) 126 /73 (113) Figure 1. Graph results of the systolic bloo d pressure -6349223837 Figure 2. Graph results of the diastolic blood pressure -6349305434 Table 2. The effect of aerobic exercise intensity - blood pressure averages (Systolic BP/Diastolic BP (BPM)) *Blood pressure, post activ7874001973579 Averages Resting BP (mmHG) BP 1 Min* (mmHG) BP 2 Mins* (mmHG) BP 3 Mins* (BPM) (Person A, B C) 121/80 (64) 136/89 (92) 143/107 (111) 138/82 (115) Averages Resting BP (mmHG) BP 1 Min* (mmHG) BP 2 Mins* (mmHG) BP 3 Mins* (BPM) (Person A, B C) 121/80 (64) 136/89 (92) 143/107 (111) 138/82 (115) ity star-jumps Figure 3 . Graph Results - The average effect of aerobic exercise intensity
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Plural Forms of English Nouns
Plural Forms of English Nouns Have you ever tried explaining to a child why two feet arent foots, or two mice arent mouses? Of course, the grownup response to such questions is, Thats just the way it is. As youngsters, we learned that most nouns in English change from singular to plural with the addition of -s or -es. But regardless of our age, its the few hundred exceptions that can be perplexing. Rule-breakers: mass nounssuch as mud, music, and peacewhich have no plural because they name things that cant readily be countednouns that show up only in the plural (called pluralia tantum)scissors, jeans, and congratulations, for examplea few nouns, like ox and child, that still rely on the Old English plural marker, -ena few other nouns (foot, mouse) that form the plural by changing a voweland several borrowed nouns that hold on to their foreign plural endingssuch as Latin alumni (or alumnae) and Greek criteria To illustrate some of these eccentric plural forms, here are two versions of an amusing little verse by our favorite poet, Author(s) Unknown. The English Lesson (version one) Well begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;But the plural of ox should be oxen not oxes.One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,But the plural of house is houses, not hice.If the plural of man is always called men,Why shouldnt the plural of pan be called pen?If I spoke of my foot and showed you my feet,When I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,Why shouldnt the plural of booth be called beeth?If the singular is this, and the plural is these,Why shouldnt the plural of kiss be kese?Then one may be that, and three would be those,Yet the plural of hat would never be hose.We speak of a brother and also of brethren,But though we say mother, we never say methren.So plurals in English, I think youll agree,Are indeed very trickysingularly. The English Lesson (version two) Now if mouse in the plural should be, and is, mice,Then house in the plural, of course, should be hice,And grouse should be grice and spouse should be spiceAnd by the same token should blouse become blice.And consider the goose with its plural of geese;Then a double caboose should be called a cabeese,And noose should be neese and moose should be meeseAnd if mamas papoose should be twins, its papeese.Then if one thing is that, while some more is called those,Then more than one hat, I assume, would be hose,And gnat would be gnose and pat would be pose,And likewise the plural of rat would be rose.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
7.9 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
7.9 - Case Study Example Industry Analysis is necessary as industries performance vary differently (Dash 138). And the main purpose of industry analysis is to analyze the market and economic forces that affect an industry’s profit potential (Bensoussan and Fleisher 95). Planet Intra is led by an international team of professionally qualified and experienced group of people with backgrounds in consulting, technology, international management and customer relationship management (CRM). They are the real strength of the company and they have been able to ensure uninterrupted successful journey of the company. The company operates globally. Planet Intra has established four offices across the world. The offices in Tokyo, London, and Windsor and Mountain View locations are the main channels to fulfill the global demand of EIP solutions and services. Value Added Resellers (VARs) are consulting firms and other system integrators who work as channel partners. They have contacts within the industry with the large corporations and SMEs and they are main source of revenues for the company as well. The heavy reliance of VARs may affect revenue stream. Currently, the VARs are charging 40 percent commission on per referral and there is no assurance that they continue with the current level of commission or they may increase their commission demand. The implications of this business relationship are that the VARs may require 60 percent commission on per referral and this would directly affect revenue and profit of the company. The company may focus on the non-cyclical or traditional industries. The industries such as oil and gas, health care and service sector may be considered as potential clients for the company. The chances of demand reduction in such sectors are marginal and the companies prefer to invest in their technology-intensive and
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Modern Day Muscian Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Modern Day Muscian - Research Paper Example Music was affected with romantic revolution that swept the literature world (Blanchard & Acree, 183). The two artists worked exceptionally hard and extensively improved music industry. There were significant similarities and divergences on the historical period between Beethoven’s and Lennon’s music careers. The two artists existed in dissimilar centuries and historical periods. Beethoven began his musical career earlier than Lennon did, virtually because he was born before him. They lived in dissimilar societal settings that subsisted differently. At that epoch, man was inventing new ideas that would ease work. The development was also evidenced in the music world when Beethoven came up with nine symphonies and five piano concertos (Blanchard & Acree, 183). He majorly concentrated on romantic songs and composed orthodox music that influenced the appreciation of love songs. He influenced the populace to love and appreciate songs that pass indispensable message of romance to the masses. Conversely, Lennon came to existence much earlier in the twentieth century. The music world had experienced much of improvement since Beethoven passed away. Lennon came up with the rock style of music and was occupied in songwriting partnership that distorted the music panorama globally (Makela, 225). The historical period in which they existed was dissimilar from each other, and consequently prejudiced their compositions. The comparison that existed between Beethoven’s works of art and the historical period was that both composed songs that were sung using similar instruments. The piano was the main instrument used by two parties to make song enjoyable and fascinating to the public. The similarity that existed between Lennon’s works of art and historical period was that the songs passed the message of peace to public (Makela, 117). He also performed in groups which was a common thing done in the historical period. Another similarity was the instruments he used were
Friday, January 24, 2020
My Philosophy of Teaching :: Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Education Every high school student who plans to continue his or her education at a college or university has a reason. Some have plans to become doctors or lawyers. Other students have plans to become one of the most important members of our society, even more important than the president. Those students have plans of becoming a teacher. I am one such student. All my life, all I have ever wanted to do was teach. I loved school, for the most part. I had several teachers whom I adored. Many a summer day or snow day was spent playing school with my sister, and I was nearly always the teacher. It was a â€Å"job†I loved to have. Now, with each passing day, I am one step closer to realizing my dream of becoming an elementary teacher. I want to become a sixth grade teacher, instilling in my class the importance of education, but making the learning process fun and interesting for them at the same time. Too many students have teachers who lack the ability to hold their interest, or to make learning enjoyable for them. I want to become the exact opposite of that teacher. I believe that the overall purpose of education is to prepare our nation’s children for the various roles they will play in society, from friend to co-worker to supervisor. All the subjects I will be teaching should be preparing them for what they will become in the future: the doctor, the secretary, the computer analyst, or the teacher. But I also want to help them prepare for the social aspects of life: the mother, the father, the friend, or leader. Without the knowledge they need for whatever field they head into in life, they will not succeed, just as without the knowledge of how to be a good listener or a leader, can cause them to fail in social situations. I hope that I can show my students through my actions that it’s important to be patient and kind, even if you aren’t feeling patient or kind.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Baseball Compare And Contrast
Baseball and Football share some qualities, but they also contrast each other in many ways. Baseball requires you to have skill, knowledge, and think on the spot, however Football requires you to be fierce and get ready for the next down or else. Baseball you have to throw, hit, catch, and run around the bases till you get to homMr. Crabtree e plate, and get a run. while, in Football you have to throw or handoff, put trick plays in the offense, run, tackle maybe even a big hit so that person goes to the hospital, and go 100 yards down field to get a touchdown, to get 6 points.Some people think of Baseball as â€Å"OH Yeah, lets go run, and catch balls. Oh wait and also hit them. †, well no in baseball you have to keep practicing just like any other sport to overcome your opponents, and train to become better, than the person in front of you. Baseball is the sport that you need to know the scenario that is occurring, and what is your next move. You need to understand your game plan find a approach towards trying to hit the baseball.Baseball would require you to understand the sport which is quite simple. Football is the sport that you need to know the game plan, the next play the will get your opponent so that you can gain more yards or get a touchdown. In Football you need tremendous strength to be able to overcome your opponent , or just simply get in there heads. Each Football has their strengths to be able to overcome their opponents either strength, speed, or a game plan it could possibly be that a team as all of these qualities.Football gives you the attitude that you have to be mentally tough and be able to destroy someone when you tackle them. Football has the reputation of having to be ruthless and tough. On the contrary, Baseball gives you the attitude that you have to mentally tough and be able to have a plan of how you will overcome your opponent. Baseball has a reputation of America’s old time sport that you can enjoy which is more ple asurable, than getting tackled every play jeopardizing your body. Baseball and Football contrast each other more than the compare to each other.Football is more horrendous, while baseball pleasant so you can enjoy the game instead of watching your back at all time. In both of the sports you need skill, strength, speed, and mentally tough. In both of these sports they push you to your limits an arise different types of competition towards others and or teams the you want to compete with. In Baseball you can become very quick because there isn't much pressure on you, but in football the pressure is shared through the whole team to to work together or else nothing will work.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Argumentative Essay Generalist Social Work Practice
Position Paper Two: Generalist Social Work Practice Dating back to the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century two women who impacted the field of social work and its beginning were Jane Addams and Mary Richmond. These two ladies pioneered something that later became one of the most influential evidence based practices that has helped to bring social justice and social support to communities, individuals, and groups. The area of social work later developed the generalist practice model to serve as the basis for the profession. The field of social work instills an academically practice based form of learning while promoting social change and growth, social cohesion, and empowerment to individuals of†¦show more content†¦Lastly the fourth premises of Generalist Practice are the duty to uphold research findings and apply them toward social policies (Miley et al., 2017, p. 7-8). As previously noted Generalist practice is used within a wide range of systems of different intervention levels. Th e levels of intervention within general practice are Microlevel, Mezzo level, Macrolevel system intervention, and the professional level intervention (Hall, 2008). The primary focus of Microlevel systems intervention is the duty to work with families, individuals and groups. In addition, the Mezzo level systems intervention places its focal point upon organizations and more formal groups. Similarly, the Macrolevel intervention concentrates on the issues involving communities or society in general. In final, the Professional level intervention prioritizes the issues within the social work profession itself (Miley et al., 2017, p. 7-9). Due to the diverse populations and vulnerable groups that Social Workers work with on a day to day basis it is important for them to understand the different levels of intervention to properly assist clients with the necessary framework for addressing issues of concern (Gelman Mirabito, 2005). There are also various models that can be used to pr omote an empowering approach toward practice. One of the models used mostly within the General Practice is the problem-solving model. Problem-Solving Model The problem-solving modelShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesobtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguishRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages . . . . . . . . 396 Basic Steps in Team Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 The Roles People Play in Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Team Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 The Future of W ork Teams in Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Contingency Approach to Leading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 xiv Contents Section 6: Coordinating 18â€â€Measuring
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